It has been proved that Messrs. Huen & Partners, Solicitors is not only a law firm provides high quality of work, it also comprises personnel who all efficient, conscientious and capable. They always follow up own enquiries with high efficiency of response which exceed our expectation.
The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. It was incorporated in 1907 as a company limited by guarantee.
公司簡介. 禤氏律師行,前身為成立於1987年的戴恩律師行,2003年公司易名後,除秉承一貫的專業精神,更以嶄新的服務態度迎接市場的新挑戰。 禤氏律師行由禤浩賢和禤婉芬律師兩名執業律師合夥經營,並由一支強大及多元的專業隊伍組成。 經過努力不懈的開拓及創新,本公司的業務範圍已遍及中國事務、意外索償、訴訟、商業事務及SME [至尊夥伴]商業法律顧問服務等多項範疇,並深得顧客支持。 本公司一向重視以客為先的服務宗旨。 我們深諳客戶需要快速及準確的法律顧問服務,這除了有賴一群擁有不同行業知識的傑出員工外,我們更建立完善的資訊科技及管理系統,務求讓同事在得到最充足的支援下,完成顧客委託的每項工作。 在全球急速發展的年代,我們了解與時代步伐一致的重要。
It has been proved that Messrs. Huen & Partners, Solicitors is not only a law firm provides high quality of work, it also comprises personnel who all efficient, conscientious and capable. They always follow up own enquiries with high efficiency of response.
HUEN & PARTNERS 名 稱 (中 文) 禤氏律師行 12/F, 9 DES VOEUX ROAD WEST, HONG KONG 香港 上環德輔道西9號12樓 電 話 2249-7777 傳 真 2105-6077 DX 號 碼 009910 CENTRAL 電 郵 地 址 info@huens.com.hk 互 聯 網 網 址 www.huens.com.hk
禤氏律師行, Hong Kong. 252 likes. 禤氏律師行由禤浩賢及禤婉芬律師兩名執業律師合夥經營,並由一支強大多 .
Huen & Partners Solicitors, Hong Kong. 12 likes · 1 was here. 24小時免費提供專業法律意見 30年刑事訴訟經驗 如有任何法律問題,歡迎致