雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. IDP香港是首屈一指的海外升學中心之一,提供一系列的海外留學服務,從升學諮詢、到找到最適合你的課程及大學,我們的升學顧問會幫助你一步一步完成申請,,為你提供更多選擇和支援。

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  2. IDP 教育是IELTS國際英語水平測試的主辦機構及官方考試中心,每月平均舉辦8至10場IELTS考試,立即查看IELTS考試地點、費用及最新的考試日期。 最新資訊及文章

  3. 全球最大留遊學代辦中心,提供澳、英、美、加、愛、紐等六國合作學校代辦申請與免費諮詢,為學生提供客製化留學、遊學規劃,實現留遊學夢想!.

    • 7樓之1, 7樓 No. 169號, No. 169號, Section 4, Zhongxiao E Rd, Da’an District, Taipei City, 106a, Taiwan
    • (022) 778-2600
  4. Learn the differences between the IELTS and Duolingo tests, including their formats, fees, scoring systems, and more. Learn the differences between the IELTS and TOEFL tests, including their formats, fees, scoring systems, and more. Check your provisional IELTS results online and do more.

  5. Find a IELTS test date that is most convenient for you. Choose between different test formats and test types to achieve your study, work or migration goals.

  6. IDP 雅思服务平台是一个网上的自助服务平台,您可于网上申请雅思相关服务,包括个人成绩单快递、额外成绩单和成绩覆核。 您可以随时登录并查看有关服务的申请记录及进度。

  7. The United Kingdom is home to some of the world’s finest and oldest universities and colleges. Experience a tradition of academic excellence and research innovation, with access to top-quality education that shapes future leaders across diverse fields.

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