雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This programme focuses on conceptual analysis and creative problem solving and aims to: provide students with an understanding of interior design in its historical and contemporary contexts; develop and refine students’ aesthetic sensitivity and creativity

  2. Basic Interior Design Studies. 初級室內設計學. 顯示全部. 課程內容. 報名手續. 報名日期. 下載報名表格. 注意事項. 轉科或轉組. 常見問題. 學費資助. 上述內容僅供參考,本院保留修改之權利。 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 | School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University.

  3. 本學院開辦多個不同程度的設計課程,涵蓋室內設計、視像傳意、時裝設計等範疇。. 課程著重有系統地培養學員的創意思維並提升其設計知識及技巧,適合有志投身設計行業或對設計有興趣的人士報讀。. 學院的設計課程師資優良,導師均擁有豐富的專業知識及 ...

  4. AutoCAD、3D Course 專業室內設計課程-全港獨家教授AutoCAD、Sketchup配Vray 3D出圖技術,極速掌握設計師出AutoCAD、3D效果圖祕訣。. 職場出圖技巧頒授證書、作品集、職業轉介助你入行,室內設計課程.

  5. The Interior Design programme aims to provide students with creative, professional skills and knowledge that are necessary for a successful career in the interior design industry. The programme educates interior designers to have a broad interdisciplinary view of their role within the industry, and to be able to operate at various scales to ...

  6. 室內設計高級文憑. 本課程旨在培訓學生從歷史、社會、文化、經濟及技術各層面去了解室內設計,並發展其於室內及環境設計的創作能力。. 本課程亦幫助學生熟習各種研習技巧,培訓學生良好的人際關係技能,以助於工作時與顧客及同業溝通;使學生能夠獨立 ...

  7. This programme focuses on conceptual analysis and creative problem solving and aims to: provide students with an understanding of interior design in its historical and contemporary contexts; develop and refine students’ aesthetic sensitivity and creativity

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