雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. VTC SHAPE 的Top-up Degree課程報名方法簡便,申請人可登入www.shape.edu.hk開設帳戶,於網上申請Top-up Degree課程,或將填妥的申請表郵寄至指定的SHAPE辨事處或投入設於IVE或HKDI的收集箱。. 於截止日期前報名Top-up Degree課程可獲豁免首次報名費。. 有關SHAPE各Top-up Degree課程 ...

  2. The top-up degree programmes are designed to provide Vocational Training Council’s Higher Diploma graduates and eligible sub-degree holders with vocational and professional education training articulation pathway, for progression to degree level and beyond through collaboration with world recognised partner universities.

  3. 才晉高等教育學院 (SHAPE) 與備受國際認可的海外及內地大學合作,為VTC高級文憑畢業生及持副學位之人士提供銜接學士學位課程。. 現時,才晉高等教育學院 (SHAPE) 與兩間備受國際認可的英國大學合作,為VTC高級文憑畢業生及持副學位之人士,提供有關資訊科技 ...

  4. IVE Engineering Higher Diploma Graduates# can pursue the following top-up degree programmes jointly offered by the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) of VTC and overseas universities. Top-up Degree Programmes* Collaborated with Internationally Renowned Universities. Institutions. Programmes. Mode of Study. Reg. No.

  5. Top-up Programmes. Over the years Higher Diploma graduates of the Discipline who chose to pursue further studies, around 90% were admitted to degree programmes or top-up degree programmes offered by local universities / institutions or jointly run by School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) and local / overseas universities.

  6. 香港專業教育學院 > 學科及課程. IVE提供全日及兼讀制多元學科課程,涵蓋高級文憑至證書課程。 多元化學習機會奠定升學就業基礎。

  7. Top-up Degree. The top-up degree programmes are designed to provide Vocational Training Council’s Higher Diploma graduates and eligible sub-degree holders with vocational and professional education training articulation pathway, for progression to degree level and beyond through collaboration with world recognised partner universities. View All.

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