雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年8月3日 · 港怡醫院(英文︰Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital)是一間位於黃竹坑的私家醫院,於 2017 年啟用,共提供 500 個床位,提供全面的臨床服務,亦有超過 35 個分科及專科。 電話 3153 9000. 地址 香港黃竹坑南風徑 1 號 前往. 交通 途經香港仔隧道的巴士線:37A、37B、37X、38、42、42C、49X、70、70P、72、72A、75、77、77A、90、90C、97、99、107、107P、170、171、171A、171P、592、671、671X; 途經南風道的巴士線:41A、76; 醫院免費專車:來往港鐵黃竹坑站(A出口地下對面)及醫院(正門); 停車場:首兩小時之每小時收費 HK$35,其後每小時收費 HK$60.

  2. 2023年8月20日 · 自願醫保計劃是政府唯一認可的醫療保險,在醫衞局的監管下,自願醫保標準計劃的保障大致相同,大家只需要比較保費,揀一間最平的就可以,但靈活計劃/高端自願醫保保障各有不同,應該如何比較? 原來用以下7大準則就可以揀一份適合自己的醫保! 審核 John Sze. 更新 2023-08-20. 比較準則一:用盡公司醫保. 公司醫保保障有限,在轉工和退休時,又會出現保障真空期。 所以不少人都會用設有 墊底費 (又稱每年自付費)、全數賠償的 高端自願醫保 配搭公司醫保。 全數賠償的計劃保障較大,一般保費較貴,設有墊底費就可降低保費支出。 墊底費 的意思是:在保險公司支付賠償前,你需要自行支付墊底費,所以又稱每年自付費,而保險公司將全數賠償其餘的治療費用*。

  3. Health Insurance Claims Made Easy! Simple claims process that you can easily navigate by yourself. Online system, customer service, nurse to assist with your claims. Check your claim status anytime, anywhere. No login required, friends and family can also help you claim easily! File a Claim Anytime, Anywhere.

    • About Bowtie & JP Health
    • About Bowtie
    • About JP Health
    Address: Shop B, G/F, China Hong Kong Tower, No. 8-12 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong
    Phone: (+852) 3169 2269
    Business Hours:

    Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited is an authorized life insurance company and Hong Kong’s very first virtual insurer approved under the Fast Track pilot scheme. Through the use of modern technology and medical expertise, Bowtie offers an agent-free, commission-free and more convenient online platform for customers to quote, apply and claim for ...

    JP Partners Medical Group was founded in 2014, a network located across Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We offer western medicine, Chinese medicine, dental service, endoscopy service and medical diagnostic service. We aimed at offering one stop quality medical service to Hong Kong residents and visitors. JP Partners Medical aims to p...

  4. 2022年7月28日 · 危疾保險是什麼?. 危疾保險是針對嚴重疾病而設的保險產品,承保的危疾包括但不局限於 癌症 、 心臟病 、嚴重冠狀動脈疾病、 中風 、良性 腦腫瘤 、 腎衰竭 等。. 若然受保人不幸確診保單訂明的指定危疾,就可獲得一筆過定額賠償,不限用途。. 換而言之 ...

  5. Bowtie is the first online medical insurer in Hong Kong. By providing insurance online, we are able to provide commission-free VHIS, term critical illness, term life insurance, etc. for people anytime and anywhere.

  6. 2022年4月22日 · The Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital offers 24-hour outpatient, inpatient, and specialist services. Specialist services ranged from dentistry, surgery, and maternity to nuclear medicine. Located at Happy Valley on Hong Kong Island, the hospital provides high-quality medical services to patients.

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