雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The function of the JOBSDB cannot handle the change or the request to keep information for seven days. This causes a CORE dump that may be inaccurate and may require a change to the RETENTION instead (if recently changed). If the configuration has not been adjusted for a period to time and more jobs or functions are added to the system, reduce ...

  2. 2023年8月30日 · 不过我好像没见过有内地公司直接在jobsdb上登记,都是香港有分公司的或者是透过经纪公司去处理。. 我司也是第1次用这个网站,可以免费发布职位吗. 我目前也是这样的情况,帮香港公司注册账号,甚至我的手机号用的是香港号码,也是一直提示验证失败 ...

  3. 2013年8月12日 · I would say most of performance issues were addressed by adding faster disk to /nsr and keeping jobdb retention 8h (this is NW 7.6.5.x, but same applies to earlier versions). The impact of fast disk is simply incredible (I started to use fast tier from VMAX while before I used regular FC on DMX). We recently went to 7.6.5 and we started facing ...

  4. JOBSDB 的功能無法處理變更或要求保留資訊七天。 這會導致核心傾印可能不准確,且可能需要變更保留 (如果最近變更)。 如果組態一段時間沒有調整,系統中會新增更多工作或功能,請縮短 JOBSDB 保留時間。

  5. jobstreet与jobdb被收购后合并,市场如何评价其好坏?. 两家公司被Seek收购后,Seek将它们合并。. 关注者. 1. 被浏览. 113. 暂时还没有回答,开始. 写第一个回答.

  6. 2015年9月2日 · It was great when we had a longer jobsdb retention, because in NMC we could see and select the savegroup logs when the group was really doing something (vs. daily status about the big nothing.. We can live without that great feature that we could see what's happened in the past to our weekly jobs, it's much bigger problem that a failed savegroup turns to successful after 4 days (now).

  7. 2022年1月18日 · 其他条件未交代,无法判断原因. 仅从投十几封简历给jobsdb零反馈这点来看,是正常的,jobsdb反馈率很低的,我个人感觉 indeed 更好一点. 正常,香港就业环境之前一直都好差,相信会越来越好,加油,如果日后有香港IANG签证延期,断签疑问可随时问. 知乎,中文 ...

  8. Click the network or server name, click properties, network or server properties window is displayed in the properties window, click configuration by default jobs, DB retention will be 72 hours to change jobs DB retention time, remove the existing value and update the new value in hours. Click OK, to save and close jobs.

  9. 1 人赞同了该回答. JobStreet & JobsDB (东南亚七国), Brasil Online (巴西), OCC (墨西哥) 发布于 2016-01-20 02:00. aaronchao. 只会赚钱的注会不是好的产品经理. 发布于 2017-02-13 03:02. 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「 ...

  10. 辞职人:XXX. 20XX年X月X日. 模板二:. 尊敬的公司领导:. (感谢关照、培养)我自xx年来到公司,工作中得到公司和您的培养,个人得到了很大的成长,公司的文化和环境也令我工作得非常开心。. (道明辞职原因)现由于个人原因,我不得不提出辞职,希望能于x ...

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