雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Luxuriate in Modern Comfort Living. Experience the true expression of artisanal home at K11 ARTUS, with personalised luxury hotel services in a serviced apartment, making it a perfect retreat from the hustle and bustle in Hong Kong. K11 ARTUS is the epitome of a luxury residence with 5-star hotel services in Hong Kong.

  2. K11 ARTUS位於香港維港文化區內,臨近尖沙咀星光大道,全球首個非遺文化主題奢華Serviced Apartment。立即點擊了解更多詳情。

  3. K11 ARTUS 是我们全家在香港最喜欢的住宿地方! 无论是哪个季节来到K11 Artus,你都会得到最专业最温暖的服务和问候! 无与伦比的周围环境、百看不厌的维多利亚港湾、电梯直达的K11购物中心,等等等等,让K11 Artus 当之无愧地成为我们在香港住宿的

  4. Looking for a long stay hotel in Hong Kong? K11 ARTUS offers luxury residences in Hong Kong, with open-air wrap-around balconies facing Victoria Harbour.

  5. 4 天前 · K11 ARTUS重新定義香港的高端酒店式公寓,所有寓所均坐擁空間寬敞的私人露台,讓您俯瞰無際的維多利亞港海景。 立即探尋服務式公寓。 索取報價

  6. 現凡入住K11 ARTUS 三晚或以上即可享高達八折的住宿優惠以及KLUB 11 金卡會籍一份。 從嶄新角度觀賞維港美景,由入住匠心寓館K11 ARTUS開始。 發掘

  7. The Commune 位於K11 ARTUS 寓館,依傍尖沙咀星光大道,提供由主廚精心設計的創意料理,讓您沉醉於難忘的視覺與味蕾之旅。 了解最新菜單及餐飲禮遇。 索取報價

  8. K11 ARTUS is Asia’s first artisanal home concept for global cultural creatives. Masterminded by Dr. Adrian Cheng, K11 ARTUS is an ultra-luxury home living experience at the pulsating heart of Hong Kong, with breathtaking views over Victoria Harbour.

  9. Book your one-bedroom residence at K11 ARTUS now and ignite your journey in Hong Kong with a tastefully-designed 5-star hotel experience. Get a personalised quotation of a long stay and learn more about our discounts and offers here .

  10. Enjoy a refreshing dip in our outdoor infinity pool with panoramic views for an afternoon of relaxation. Explore K11 ARTUS full suite of luxury amenities here.

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