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  1. www.leodiamond.com.hk › tcThe Leo Diamond

    The Leo Diamond ® 閃爍之源. 專利82琢面的品牌鑽石. 了解更多. 美鑽市值. 隨時隨地一鍵了解品牌鑽石的最新市場價格. 立即查看. Leo Challenge 閃爍體驗. 至今已有 親身見證The Leo Diamond®鑽石比一般圓鑽更閃。 The Leo Diamond®.

  2. The Extraordinary Brilliance. Patented 82-facet branded diamond with four generations of expertise. Know More. Your LEO Market Price. The Leo Diamond ® gives you with a high degree of transparency by providing you with information on diamonds and jewelry. Find Out Now. Leo Challenge. As of today, 95% of the. 2,532,081.

  3. 美國品牌The Leo Diamond®為鑽石工藝大師Leo Schachter精心鑽研的專利82琢面切割美鑽。 以百年的精湛手藝,讓每顆美鑽光芒極致綻放,與相同克拉、顏色、淨度的圓鑽比較,The Leo Diamond®明顯更閃。

  4. Celebrated for a unique combination of diamond craftsmanship and innovative diamond cutting technology, THE LEO Diamond has reinvented how truly brilliant a diamond can be by maximizing the return of light and creating far-away sparkle.

  5. The LEO Diamonds unique, patented faceting arrangement for brilliant round diamonds - 66 strategically placed facets - results in superior “return of light” compared to a conventional 58 facet diamond.

  6. The Leo Diamond 是全球首顆經美國光學權威 發出獨立評級證書之品牌鑽石, 證明其「光線回射」達「高」至「極高」表現, 顯見專利82琢面切割的傲人之處。

  7. www.leodiamond.com.hk › tc › infoTHE LEO DIAMOND

    The Leo Diamond ® 為鑽石工藝大師Leo Schachter 精心鑽研的矚目傑作。 秉承其家族「四代相傳,熱誠如一」的理念於1999年推出專利82琢面切割美鑽,以百年的精湛手藝讓每顆鑽石光芒極致綻放,與相同克拉、顏色、淨度的圓鑽比較,明顯更閃。

  8. 每顆The Leo Diamond®均由累積逾20年經驗和技術的鑽石工藝師全人手打磨,製造過程細密精準,每顆美鑽、匯聚工藝師無窮心血。.

  9. The Leo Diamond 為鑽石工藝大師 Leo Schachter精心鑽研的專利切割美鑽並於1999正式推出。 以百年的精湛手藝讓每顆美鑽光芒極致綻放,與相同克拉、顏色、淨度的圓鑽比較,明顯更閃。

  10. 美國品牌The Leo Diamond®為鑽石工藝大師Leo Schachter精心鑽研的專利82琢面切割美鑽。 以百年的精湛手藝,讓每顆美鑽光芒極致綻放,與相同克拉、顏色、淨度的圓鑽比較,The Leo Diamond®明顯更閃。

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