雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 移動城堡成立於2008年, 本著以人為本的精神及視如己物的服務理念 ,一直堅守著專業、合理、精緻、親切、體驗、環保六大 原則,為您的城堡帶來最專業的搬運服務。. 即刻填寫網上表格,輕鬆報價啦!. 立即報價! 快速鏈接. 主頁. 服務範圍. 公司簡介. 填寫網 ...

  2. Completion of your job order with intimate service including organized relocation process, packing and positioning is our company’s mission and goal. Integrity and reliability are our brand and recognition in the industry

  3. Due to the limited bearing capacity of the carton, if the carton is too heavy, it may cause the bottom of the carton to break, resulting in damage or damage to the items. The company will not be responsible for any damage or damage to the items due to the heavy

  4. MOVING CASTLE have tailor-made a “Supreme Moving Service” for our customers with busy life. A comprehensive process starting from packing up, disassembly and reassembly, furniture wrapping, transferring to new location and positioning of all items, which will be fully taken care by our well-trained staff in a professional manner.

  5. Medium sized cartoon box is the most favorable packing box to store your miscellaneous like folding clothes, books, box files and small electrical appliances, and eg… Like a real wardrobe, the hanging wardrobe box equipped with hanger makes your clothes will be ...

  6. 2662-6335 info@movingcastle.com.hk Room 4, 5/F, Kinglet Industrial Building, 21-23, Shing Wan Road, Sha Tin, New Territories

  7. The company now has branches in various districts of Hong Kong, including Chai Wan, San Po Kong, Kwun Tong, Yau Tong, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Chung, Sha Tin and Yuen Long. Query Now The highlights of our services include:

  8. 溫馨提示: 按經驗紙箱數量如1個人大概10-15箱物品,會安排一半中箱一半大箱,中箱擺放雜物或重物,大箱主要放衣物。 紙箱不應包裝物品過重(最好不超過20-25kg) ,因紙箱承受力有限,如過重有機會造成紙箱底部破裂,以導致物品有損壞或損毀。

  9. 廢棄傢俱、殘舊設備、垃圾處理、瑕疵產品等。. 不僅佔據生活空間、更甚者也有影響家中兒童、老人、孕婦居家安全之虞。. 不知道如何清理這些廢棄物嗎?. 森.移動城堡為您服務。. 快速鏈接. 主頁. 服務範圍. 公司簡介. 填寫網上報價單.

  10. 一站式足不出戶搬運連存倉服務,輕輕鬆鬆幫你處理一切煩瑣事務。. 索取報價. 了解客戶須要,提供搬運及倉尺等詳盡方案. 預約服務. 確實及辦理搬運存倉日期及時間等手續. 搬運存倉. 有專人上門裝拆及搬運傢俬等物件,並運送到的倉庫妥善存放. 預約出倉. 按 ...

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