雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 首次供款計算機. 此計算機只適用於計算 年齡介乎18至65歲的僱員 (臨時僱員除外) 的首次供款。. 此計算機並不適用於僱員因業務擁有權轉讓或集團內調職而轉至新僱主的公司工作,或僱員於首次供款所涵蓋的任何一個供款期內離職或到達65歲之情況。. 香港滙豐 ...

  2. Manulife MPF contribution calculator lets employees learn the contribution receivable from employers for a specified period. Calculate your MPF amount now.

  3. First Contribution Calculator. The calculator is only applicable for calculating the first contributions for employees (other than casual employees) between the ages of 18 and 65.

  4. www.mpfa.org.hk › mpf-system › mandatory-contributions僱員 - 積金局 - MPFA

    如按日、按周或每半個月支薪一次,僱主須先以每日最高$1,000及最低$280的有關入息水平來計算糧期的上、下限,以釐定供款額。. 以按周支薪為例,一星期的日數為七天,因此有關入息上限為 $7,000($1,000 x 7天),下限則為$1,960($280 x 7天)。. 如供款日是星期六 ...

  5. MPF contribution calculator. Calculate the date and the amount of your MPF contributions in 2 simple steps. Important note. The calculator is only applicable for calculating the first contributions for employees (other than casual employees or exempted persons) between the ages of 18 and 64.

  6. Calculate your MPF online with this free tool. Whether you’re an employer or employee, calculate your mandatory MPF contributions including First MPF Contribution and Contribution Holidays. Specially for companies under the Master Trust scheme and regular employees between 18 and 65 years of age.

  7. The following assumptions are used in making the MPF accrued benefit projections: The retirement age is 65. The employer and the employee each contribute 5% of the employee's relevant income (i.e. 10% of the employee's relevant income in total).

  8. 利用宏利香港強積金供款計算機,透過兩個簡單步驟計算您的強積金供款日期及金額。

  9. www.mpfa.org.hk › en › mpf-systemEmployees - MPFA

    For monthly paid employees, the current minimum and maximum relevant income levels are $7,100 and $30,000 respectively. Learn about the adjustments made to the minimum and maximum relevant income levels for employee contributions over the years.

  10. This calculator helps you calculate the amount of your first MPF contribution. 1. Payroll frequency. Monthly. Semi-monthly. Weekly. Bi-weekly. From. 1st to 31st. 2. Date of employment (dd/mm/yyyy) Next.

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