雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. (通常是私人設立的)照料老人或病患的地方 Some families send their older relatives to nursing homes rather than integrate them into the homes of the children or grandchildren. 有些家庭把年長的親人送去養老院, 而不是讓他們和家裡的兒孫在一起。

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  2. www.yanchai.org.hk › social-services › elderly-servicesYan Chai Nursing Home

    Adopting an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach, we aim to provide a comprehensive range of caring services which includes residential care, meals, personal care, regular basic medical and nursing care, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nutrition

  3. 院舍簡介. 耀耆頤養院暨日間中心為社會福利署合約院,由政府撥款資助開辦,於 2020年 8月開始投入服務。 院舍提供 100個宿位,當中包括70個資助宿位、30個非資助宿位、20個資助日間照顧名額、3個資助日間暫託服務名額及10個資助日間照顧延長時間服務名額(服務時間: 星期一至六下午六時至八時,星期日及公眾假期上午八時至下午六時), 給有需要的區內長。 院舍配備專業護理團隊,當中包括註冊醫生、註冊護士和登記護士、物理治療師、職業治療師、註冊社工、營養師等專業人士。 機構重視以人為本的服務理念,為每名入住長者進行專業評估及制訂個人護理計劃。 機構服務堅持「以人為本,持續改善,優質服務」為服務宗旨。 務求讓每位入住的長者在身體、心靈、社交三方面都得到專業人士的悉心照顧。

  4. Pine Care is now operating 12 facilities, includes contract home, offering over 1,600 beds. Most of the centres are recognised service providers of Residential Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Elderly (RCSV) and Enhanced Bought Place Scheme (EA1) .

  5. Subsidised residential care places are provided by subvented homes, contract homes, private homes participating in Enhanced Bought Place Scheme, self-financing homes participating in Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme and RCHEs in Guangdong.

  6. 嘉瑞園護養院. 牌照事務處檔案號碼: L1488. 提供服務的單位性質. 安老院. 有參加改善買位計劃的安老院. 有參加護養院宿位買位計劃的安老院. 長者院舍照顧服務券計劃認可服務機構. 長者社區照顧服務券計劃認可服務單位. 下載安老院宣傳刊物.

  7. Nursing Homes provide residential care, meals, personal care, regular basic medical and nursing care, and social support for elders who suffer from poor health or physical/mental disabilities with deficiency in activities of daily living but are mentally suitable for communal living, and are

  8. Nursing Homes provide residential care, meals, personal care, regular basic medical and nursing care, and social support for elders who suffer from poor health or physical/mental disabilities with deficiency in activities of daily living but are mentally suitable for communal living, and are assessed to be of severe impairment level under the St...

  9. Type of Residential Care Homes. Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) in Hong Kong are operated by non-governmental organisations, non-profit making organisations and private organisations. In accordance with the mode of operation, RCHEs are generally classified into four types: Subvented Homes.

  10. The Complaint Mechanism. The Residential Care Homes (Persons with Disabilities) Ordinance. How to select a suitable residential care home and how to adjust to group living in residential care homes? Elder abuse. Common examples of accidents which may cause personal injury to elderly persons in residential care homes.

  11. Commencing service in early May 1999, located at 2/F – 7/F of the Kowloon Bay Health Centre, and with a floor area of 8,070 square meters, the Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Nursing Home (ANNH) is providing 238 government-subvented beds, and long-term medical, nursing care and residence to those needed senior citizens at the age of 65 or above.

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