雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 歡迎來到亞洲首個全天候臨海水上樂園! 我們邀請你在這個神秘的水世界中體驗各種精彩水上活動。 多個獨具特色的主題區域等待你來探索,盡情享受無窮水上活動的刺激與樂趣吧!

  2. 2023年11月28日 · Join us as we all splash into adventure! Spend a fun-filled day chilling out at Water World. Asia's first all-weather, year-round seaside water park.

  3. 香港海洋公園,是一座集海陸動物展覽、機動遊戲、大型表演的主題公園。 不論大人還是小童,總有一款適合你。 熱愛動物與自然,或喜歡挑戰機動遊戲的遊人,更加不可錯過。

  4. Your journey into our secret world of fun and adventure begins at Splendid Reef, an expansive area right on the shore of the sea. Take a walk along the seafront and enjoy the ocean air or dive right into all the thrills and excitement of Water World!

  5. 2021年9月20日 · The highly anticipated Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong is now ready to welcome adventurers of all ages to splash in! The brand-new aquatic-themed leisure destination will officially open to the public tomorrow when all its hidden treasures and features, including 27 thrilling attractions in five themed zones, will be unveiled.

  6. Join us as we all splash into adventure! Spend a fun-filled day chilling out at Water World. Asia's first all-weather, year-round seaside water park.

  7. Experience the sizzling excitement of summer at Water World! With 27 1 indoor and outdoor facilities spread across 5 thrilling themed areas. Enjoy the sunshine and thrilling sensations of summer!

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