雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The information will be used for student and university administration and research purposes. For details of the University Personal Data Protection Policy, please click https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/privacy-policies/. Login Form for OLE Users.

  2. The information will be used for student and university administration and research purposes. For details of the University Personal Data Protection Policy, please click https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/privacy-policies/. Login Form for OLE Users.

  3. 學生通告. B&A Part-time Student Trainee Recruitment. 因升級工程電子圖書館將暫停服務 (2024年10月25日至26日) (現正接受申請) 政府自資專上獎學金計劃 2024/25 (本頁只提供英文版本) 詳情.

  4. The OLE is an interactive online learning environment for students to study, obtain course information, exchange ideas and communicate with their Tutors. Click the button to access the OLE. OLE courses. As a guest you can access a sample online course by clicking the ‘Guest’ button on the login page.

  5. The Online Learning Environment (OLE) is a Web-based learning environment that helps support your learning. You can enjoy the following benefits from using the OLE: quick and easy online access to course news and course information. online communication with your fellow students, tutors and Course Coordinator.

  6. 中文網上學習系統(Chinese Online Learning Environment, COLE)是香港公開大學中文科目的網上學習平台,為你的學習提供進一步的支援。 通過這個學習平台,你可以: 輕易快捷地讀取學科資料和最新消息; 在網上與同學、導師和學科主任聯絡及討論學習內容; 直接在網上瀏覽適用的讀物; 利用月曆安排和監察自己的學習進度; 在網上繳交功課(只適用於部分科目)。 如何進入中文網上學習系統? 硬件及操作系統. 你的電腦必須設有以下的操作系統:PC — 視窗XP、Vista或視窗7;Mac — OS 10.4或更高的版本。 若要列印系統中的任何內容,你的電腦必須連接印表機。 如要瀏覽多媒體組件,你必須配備揚聲器或耳機,以及擴音器/麥克風。

  7. ole.hkmu.edu.hk › olehelp › olehelp_dlUser Guide

    Welcome to the Online Learning Environment (OLE). The OLE is an online system developed by Hong Kong Metropolitan University for delivery of the University's online courses. It is developed using Lotus Domino. You will find that the OLE enhances your learning experience.

  8. HKMU's Personal Data Protection Policy When you visit the MyHKMU, we collect general information about your visits. The information will be used for student and

  9. LiPACE’s Online Learning Environment (OLE) Website. URL: . http://elipace.hkmu.edu.hk/ Username & Password. Username = Password = . “s” + the first 7 digits of Student Number, e.g. s1234567 HKMU single password. Figure 1 Login Page. OLE Homepage. The list of courses that you are studying is shown on the top.

  10. Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU; as Open University of Hong Kong from 1997 to 2021) is a public university in Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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