雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 突然在戶口見有筆唔知係乜既支出. POS CUP (01OCT15) SHERLY. $303. 請問有人知這個是什麼嗎? #1 Roboto (白金卡會員) • 9 年前. 2233 3000. #2 丹尼爾 (黑卡會員) • 9 年前. 提款卡經銀聯網絡簽帳. #3 photohk (金卡會員) • 9 年前. 引用: 丹尼爾 2015-10-04 22:42:08. 提款卡經銀聯網絡簽帳. 喔~謝謝! 經你一講,我想一想,想到了~ 的確曾用過PPS簽帳. 當時無叫我揀戶口. (過往用PPS,係會俾部機我叫我入密碼之餘,也要揀用邊個戶口,但今次無,我自己當時又唔記得有呢個步驟...) 我CHECK番另一個戶口,又真係無扣過數. 好彩呢個戶口本身有少少簽,夠簽~

  2. 本地跨銀行即時電子收款及付款服務. 加快資金周轉. 收款: - 商戶可列印二維碼 (QR Code)於賬單上 2,讓顧客透過「轉數快」付款,簡化及提升支付管理效率,即時加快資金周轉. - 以一個商業戶口,即可7x24本地跨銀行即時收款,費用全免,大大提升現金流. - 商戶收款只須向顧客提供二維碼 (QR Code)、手機號碼、電郵或 FPS ID即可輕鬆收款,做生意從此簡單,現金流不再成為問題. 付款: - 可直接透過此服務過數予供應商或支付員工薪金,交收全方位簡化. 提供報表 方便對數. 每項交易完成後都會收到確認通知,第一時間獲悉戶口的轉賬資料。 登入恒生商業e-Banking詳閱所有交易紀錄,以便輕鬆核對賬目及進行銷售分析. 零現金交易. 支援高達港元/人民幣$1,000,000的交易

  3. 恒生HSBCnet. 系統提升時間表登記 e-Banking. 跳至主要内容. 本行透過使用Cookie以評估閣下在本網站的使用情況,為閣下提供最佳的網站體驗。. 如果閣下繼續瀏覽本網站,即表示您接受本行使用Cookie來收集數據。. 詳情請參閱網上條款及細則、私隱政策、Cookies政策和 ...

  4. Online Payment Services (CUP Online) Hang Seng (China) debit card supports CUP (China Union Pay) online payment. You can enjoy online shopping, online money transferring and pay your bills by online payment services. How To Apply: Transaction Limits: Third Party Payment Services (Alipay and Tenpay)

  5. The new JC Dollars Programme offers exclusive cash rewards to Members. Members can earn JC Dollars at designated Club outlets when using the HKJC Membership Mastercard. This is on top of the current Hang Seng Credit Card Cash Dollars ("Cash Dollars") earned, which means double rewards!

  6. Want to apply for a Hang Seng CUP Credit Card? Check out the latest Welcome Offers, Cashback Rate, Fees and Min. Annual Income of Hang Seng CUP Credit Card. Earn more rewards by applying Hang Seng CUP Credit Card at MoneyHero now!

  7. What is the Pre-opening Session? What are the purposes of a Pre-opening Session? Does the POS cover all securities? Why does HKEX adopt a price limit of ±15% in POS? What kind of orders can be entered during the POS? Will the limit orders / enhanced limit orders / special limit orders be rejected by the System during the POS?