雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 概述. 為提升本港廢紙回收的質和量,推動本地廢紙回收業的可持續發展,環境保護署在2020年9月推出全港廢紙收集及回收服務。 服務承辦商會從各區收集符合標準的紙皮、報紙和辦公室用紙,在本地處理後運送到各地市場循環再造成紙製品。 你可能感興趣. 服務承辦商. 回收指引. 服務詳情. 環境保護署(環保署)於2020年首次推出全港廢紙收集及回收服務。 經公開招標後,環保署以服務合約形式聘請多個承辦商(見下表),從全港各區向街角回收店、流動回收車、前線收集者等收集廢紙(包括紙皮、報紙和辦公室用紙),並在本地進行篩選、分揀及打包等工序後,把廢紙運送到各地市場循環再造成紙製品,轉廢為材。 我們期望此服務計劃可提升本港廢紙回收的質和量,推動本地廢紙回收業的可持續發展。

  2. To enhance the quality and quantity of local waste paper recyclables and promote the sustainable development of the local waste paper recycling industry, the Environmental Protection Department launched the territory-wide waste paper collection and recycling services in September 2020.

  3. The need to reduce and recycle waste is crucial to Hong Kong, with our large population and rapidly filling disposal facilities. Here you can find out why recycling is important, what the Government is doing to encourage it, how you can recycle waste and where to obtain more information.

  4. 紙張回收,又稱 廢紙回收,是將用過的紙張 循環再造 的過程。 必須一提的是,紙張並不可以無限次回收,因為紙張內的纖維在每次回收後都會縮短,在回收4至6次之後,由於纖維過短而無法製作成紙張 [1]。 回收理由. [編輯] 工業化造紙業對環境產生影響,無論是在上游(獲取和加工原材料的地方)還是在下游(廢棄物處理影響)。 [2] 如今,40%的紙漿是從木材中製造出來的(在大多數現代工廠中,僅有9-16%的紙漿是由紙漿原木製成的;其餘的來自傳統上被燃燒的廢棄木材)。 紙張生產佔據了約35%的被砍伐樹木, [3] 並佔據了世界總經濟產出的1.2%。 [4] 回收一噸的新聞紙可以節約約1噸的木材,而回收一噸的印刷紙或複印紙可以節約略多於2噸的木材。

  5. 2024年5月23日 · When to Recycle? The opening hours of GREEN@COMMUNITY, including Recycling Stations, Recycling Stores, and Recycling Spots, can be found on Waste Reduction Website and respective Facebook Page. Find out your nearest recycling event schedule here.

  6. The recycling of paper is the process by which waste paper is turned into new paper products. It has a number of important benefits: It saves waste paper from occupying homes of people and producing methane as it breaks down.

  7. Step 1 : Get to Know how the existing garbage collection system works. Step 2 : Join hands with cleaning contractor or garbage collector in planning and implementing the programme as to where and when the waste paper should be collected. Step 3 : Choose one of the following ways of collection : -

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