雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 食肆. 所有樓層. 詳情. 出示The ONE Card可享獨家優惠或升級優惠! 接受The ONE購物現金劵之商戶. The ONE 提供不同類型中式及西式零售美食及食肆,應有盡有。

  2. 星海.譽宴 (The ONE) U-Banquet The Starview (The ONE)的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 18樓。. 主要菜式包括 星海蝦餃皇, 碧玉鮮蝦腸粉, 招牌胡椒濃雞湯灌湯餃, 籠仔金沙大蝦球, 蠔皇海參鮮蝦豆腐煲, 灌湯小籠包, 蟹粉小籠包 ...

  3. 囍雲軒 (The ONE) HEYA (The ONE)的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 5樓L503-L504號舖。. 主要菜式包括 盆栽小蘿蔔, 功夫湯, 龍蝦湯鮮竹卷, 鳥語花香雀籠點心, 天山雪蓮燉豬前赤功夫湯, 上湯開邊波士頓龍蝦伴伊麵, 。.

  4. Find The ONE, Food & Dining places in 香港 at OpenRice 香港.

  5. www.the-one.hk › en › diningThe ONE - Dining

    Deli & Confectionery. Food & Beverage. The Sky Dining. Show All Floor. Details. Enjoy exclusive offers & discount by presenting The ONE Card! Acceptance of The ONE cash coupon. The ONE provides a variety of types of Chinese and Western deli and confectionery as well as food and beverage.

  6. 【7.1餐飲優惠】 The ONE 有唔少食肆商戶都推出7.1優惠,可享低至71折!部份餐廳更開到晚上11:30pm,睇完戲再食飯都唔怕無選擇啦! L19 Harlan's Bar and Restaurant 特選啤酒及紅酒七折 (只限堂食) 惠顧晚市時段可享全單七折優惠 L19 鐵板燒...

  7. www.the-one.hk › en › diningThe ONE - Dining

    Sky Dining. Deli & Confectionery. Food & Beverage. Show All Floor. Details. Enjoy exclusive offers & discount by presenting The ONE Card! Acceptance of The ONE cash coupon. The ONE provides a variety of types of Chinese and Western deli and confectionery as well as food and beverage.

  8. yixinrestaurant.com › zh-hkYixin Restaurant.

    益新餐牌. 益新的懷舊菜,傳承自60年代我們的第一任行政總廚李師博,再由他的徒弟景叔、華哥,以及現任總廚燦哥不斷精制改良而成。 查看更多. 瀏覽大菜牌. 瀏覽預訂菜譜. 宣傳. 查看更多. 宴會. 查看更多. 圖片集. 媒體. 2018年米芝蓮指南香港澳門. 03 10,2017. 查看更多. NOW TV :輝哥的饌賞. 03 07,2017. 查看更多. 蘋果日報. 02 09,2016. 查看更多.

  9. 廚師的創意,新鮮的食材加上精心的烹調手法,總是讓您每次顧光都能嚐到滿載驚喜的好味道。. The One Fusion Cuisine is nestled in Richmond Hill Ontario, one of the most culturally diverse city in Canada. Inspired by mutliculturalism, our chefs bring in ingredients and flavors inherent from other cultures to ...

  10. 餐飲. 灣景廳. 屢獲殊榮的灣景廳位於灣景國際1樓,以深淺不同的原木色調配搭深色地毯及玻璃鏡面,格調高雅,賓客亦可透過餐廳的落地玻璃窗,欣賞維港上空日夜的優美景色,是享用維港煙花匯演自助晚餐的理想場地;餐廳除供應豐富的自助早、午、晚餐外,亦設有精緻的自選菜譜。 營業時間: 單點美食: 星期一至日及公眾假期7:00 - 21:30 (最後點餐時間為21:30) 自助早餐: 星期一至日及公眾假期7:00 - 10:30. 自助午餐: 星期一至五12:00-14:30 ; 星期六至日及公眾假期11:30-15:00. 自助晚餐: 星期一至日及公眾假期18:30 – 21:30. 立即預訂. 虛擬導覽. Mezz Floor格調尊貴,規範整潔,是洽談商務的理想場地。

  11. 提供多款國際化美食,包括冰鎮海鮮、各款新鮮沙律及凍肉、刺身及壽司、熱葷、即煮料理、甜品及自助飲品吧等,選擇豐富。. 優惠價 (已包括加一) 星期一至日、公眾假期及其前夕:成人$238 / 長者或小童$208. *已包括加一服務費. *須于成功訂位當日起三天內預 ...

  12. 香港的頂級餐廳. 991 個結果符合你的篩選條件. 清除所有篩選條件. 排序方式: 最高評分. 灣仔/銅鑼灣. 1. Jo Jo印度菜馆 (骆克道) 583 則評論 目前休息. 印度菜, 亞洲菜 $$ - $$$ 餐單. jojo. pani puri. 2. Grissini 意大利餐厅. 505 則評論 目前休息. 意大利菜 $$$$ 餐單. 超级贴心的服务. Great food and services. 3. Fleur de Sel. 175 則評論 目前休息. 法國菜, 歐洲菜 $$ - $$$ 餐單. 第一次跟朋友嚟食饭. 味道不错. 2023. 4. The Oyster House. 452 則評論 目前休息. 海鮮, 湯品 $$ - $$$ 餐單. 食物氣氛都一流.

  13. 2021年7月22日 · 屢獲殊榮的新加坡籍總廚 Edward Voon掌舵的創新法國餐廳 AUOR推出了全新的「六環」嚐味餐單及四道菜冬日晚餐,亦可以品嚐星期三至星期五的豐盛午餐和星期六的週六香檳午餐。. 「六環」嚐味餐單 (每位 HK$ 1,380+10%) 以大自然的時間循環為靈感,第一環 「覺醒 ...

  14. 2024年1月14日 · PANO是場內唯一處於戶外高層無阻擋的餐廳,坐擁露天觀景平台,設有室內及戶外座位,日景、夜景都一流,無論是Happy Hour吹海風、Casual來個下午茶,或是和另一半來慶祝重要日子都無問題。 餐廳:PANO 地址:九龍尖沙咀區博物館道24-26號西九文化區藝術公園1樓1 ...

  15. 1 天前 · Duvall at a cast party for “Faerie Tale Theatre,” one of the many children’s television shows she produced starting in the mid-’80s. Episodes featured Robin Williams, Christopher Reeve ...

  16. 彌敦道100號The ONE 3L322-L323號舖. 尖沙咀 / 台灣菜 / 西式 / $101-200. 明太子義大利麵 和風BBQ豬排三明治 鹽酥雞拼盤 (鹽酥雞, 花枝丸, 甜不辣) 草莓繽紛冰淇淋鬆餅 仲夏熱帶水果茶(凍/熱) …. 755. 67. 買1送1 + 1%$回贈. 外賣自取. 以指定電子錢包埋單,即賺0.5% Rice ...

  17. 1 天前 · More than one million people remain without electricity as city struggles through severe temperatures.

  18. 2024年7月5日 · Thieves are targeting high-end restaurants in New York City, where they're stealing Rolexes, Patek Philippes, and other luxury watches from diners.

  19. 7 小時前 · There’s plenty to do with those cherry tomatoes right now, though, whether they’re from your favorite farmer or the grocery store. The brilliant Ali Slagle has three smart, summery ideas ...

  20. 最新商舖. The ONE位於彌敦道100號,座落尖沙咀最優越的核心地段。.

  21. 1 天前 · 台股創即市及收市新高,連升7個交易日。 加權指數高見24416點,收市報24390點,升382點,升幅1.6%。

  22. 2 天前 · 微眾銀行獲內地有關部門批准,在香港設立科技公司總部,並計劃在香港投資1.5億美元及創造高技能科技職位。(Shutterstock)

  23. 2 天前 · July 10, 2024. President Biden has repeatedly rejected suggestions that he end his campaign, and the vast majority of Democratic lawmakers have declined to break with him. But today he faced fresh ...

  24. 4 天前 · The smaller the omakase restaurant, the better, and Kisuke is as small as omakase restaurants get in Sydney. It might be the size of a bento box, but it packs a wasabi-like punch.

  25. 2 天前 · 央视网消息:北京时间7月10日,2024年欧洲杯半决赛,西班牙对阵法国。上半场姆巴佩助攻穆阿尼先拔头筹,亚马尔世界波扳平比分,随后奥尔莫破门实现反超,下半场双方互有攻守但均未能取得进球。最终,西班牙2-1法国率先挺进决赛。

  26. 1 天前 · A Lexington pizza restaurant, Brick Oven Pizzeria, closed Tuesday after 15 years in business. The family owned restaurant at 4379 Old Harrodsburg Road, announced the closing on its Facebook page ...

  27. 3 天前 · Chef Johnny Spero Reflects on Reverie’s Past, Present, and Future. After a devastating fire, the celebrated D.C. seafood specialist is more dialed-in than ever. Chef Interview Editor's Pick One MICHELIN Star Washington D.C. Just shy of its four-year anniversary, and on the heels of receiving its first MICHELIN Star, a freak fire broke out on ...

  28. Wooloomooloo Prime 的餐廳地址、網上訂座、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 尖沙咀彌敦道100號The ONE 21樓。. 主要菜式包括 crab cake, crab cake, wooloomooloo steak, 蟹餅, 生蠔, French Fries, 龍蝦湯, Apple Crumble, Beef Wellington, 餐包, Hot Chocolate Cake, CRÈME BRÜLÈE, Carpaccio, Wooloomooloo ...

  29. 19 小時前 · Seoul is putting strict tourist limits on Bukchon Hanok Village. One of the city’s most popular tourist hot spots, it attracts thousands of visitors every day.

  30. Santo Stefano di Sessanio, Italy. Guest score: 19.1. $225. 1 night. $248 total with taxes and fees. MICHELIN Guide Hotels. Italy Hotels. Find the best Boutique and luxury hotels in Italy to stay for your holidays or business trips, thanks to the Guide MICHELIN Hotels’ selection.

  31. 5 天前 · One of the best things about this restaurant, however, is that for a reputationally meat-focussed joint, the chefs pay just as much attention to the veggie dishes.

  32. 3 天前 · Atwater’s will close one of its Baltimore City locations this month, leaving just three restaurants and a catering location for the local chain. The cafe chain’s restaurant at 3601 Boston St ...

  33. Find The ONE, Food & Dining places in Hong Kong at OpenRice Hong Kong.

  34. 1 天前 · 日股持續刷新即市及收市紀錄,日經指數首次升穿42000點並企穩收市。 指數早段最高升至42426點,收市報42224點,升392點,升幅0.94%,連升3日。

  35. www.yelp.com › biz › gordon-ramsay-steak-westlakeGordon Ramsay Steak - Yelp

    Specialties: Chef Gordon Ramsay's cuts of prime beef are aged to perfection under a program directed by the fiery, internationally renowned chef and his culinary team. The chic, swinging London atmosphere is the perfect backdrop to enjoy decadent bites of caviar and roasted Beef Wellington. Everything from steaks to fish to chops are tender slices of heaven transporting you to a world unto ...

  36. 2 天前 · Murfreesboro city government announced July 9 that it canceled the development agreement for the Notes Life amphitheater and restaurant project.

  37. One Restaurant 的餐廳地址網上訂座電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 深井青山公路 - 深井段42號陳記廣場地下G, H, I號舖。.

  38. 一遊 The Yuu Japanese Dining的餐廳地址網上訂座電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心3樓320-321號舖。. 主要菜式包括 厚燒玉子, 海鮮沙律, 海膽吞拿魚壽司, 刺身定食, 牛油果蟹肉卷, 串燒, 壽司定食, 壽司, 白身魚薄切, 海鮮天婦羅 ...

  39. 1 天前 · Steelers roster breakdown: One thought on every player on NFL’s priciest defense. Russell Wilson and Justin Fields were the sexy offseason acquisitions for the Pittsburgh Steelers. But those ...

  40. 益新美食館 Yixin Restaurant的餐廳地址、電話、食評、相片及餐牌,餐廳位於 灣仔軒尼詩道48-62號上海實業大廈地舖及地庫。.

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