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  1. 2021年11月30日 · Your dentist may recommend tooth extraction if you have: Severe tooth decay (). A fractured tooth. An impacted tooth. Crowded teeth. Severe gum disease. Tooth luxation or other dental injuries. Who performs tooth extraction? Dentists and some dental

  2. 脫牙 (Extraction) - Metro Dental. 不同情況下病人可能有需要脫牙,例如以下情況: 牙齒爆裂致不能修補. 嚴重牙周病令牙齒鬆動. 牙齒矯正計劃的需要. 影響其他牙齒時,如橫生智慧齒造成鄰近的牙齒出現蛀牙或牙周病. 脫去剩餘的牙腳. 脫牙的方式有兩種: 手術脫牙和非手術脫牙. 非手術脫牙. 牙醫會先在脫牙位置附近施放麻醉藥,讓脫牙時不會感到痛楚。 然後醫生會用脫牙工具,把牙齒慢慢拔出。 手術脫牙. 牙醫會先在脫牙位置附近施放麻醉藥,然後在脫牙位置附近的牙肉上開一個切口,視情況需要把牙槽骨除去,再用牙科工具把牙齒慢慢拔掉。 在某些情況下,牙醫會把牙齒分開不同部分,然後逐一取出。

  3. 多種因由 脫牙不能避免. 脫牙成了解決牙患的唯一方法,當然是牙齒壞至無法勉救的必然結果,又或者這壞牙對鄰近牙齒的生長及口腔健康帶來負面影響才有此下策。 所以脫牙收費真的不可省下來。 那麼牙齒在怎樣的情況可定斷一顆、甚至數顆都有拔牙必要,而需要花一筆剝牙價錢呢? 以下情況可讓大家作了解: ‧當牙齒蛀壞程度相當嚴重而不能靠修補來保留,就要進行拔牙。 ‧如患有牙周病者,其病情甚為嚴重,甚至牙齒因而見鬆動,也有拔牙必要。 ‧若進行牙齒矯正,有牙齒對整項矯正手術造成障礙,亦有拔牙需要。 ‧如果牙齒生長位置欠佳,更令周圍組織受影響、感染,也需作拔牙。 ‧假如身體患上某些疾病,而牙齒對病情造成影響,那便要脫牙。 ‧若牙齒的結構、外形有異而影響外觀、咀嚼,以及不利附近牙齒生長,便需要拔牙。

  4. The tooth extraction procedure is needed if a tooth is decayed or broken beyond repair. Depending on the condition of the tooth, extraction procedures include: Simple extraction. Performed on visible teeth in the mouth under local anesthesia (the tooth is loosened from its socket and then removed with dental forceps). Surgical extraction.

  5. 2019年8月23日 · Tooth extraction involves completely removing a tooth from the mouth. People may require tooth extraction for many reasons, ranging from tooth decay to crowded teeth. A dentist or dental...

  6. A dental extraction (also referred to as tooth extraction, exodontia, exodontics, or informally, tooth pulling) is the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus (socket) in the alveolar bone.

  7. 2024年3月6日 · Tooth extractions are a routine procedure performed by dentists and oral surgeons to remove the entire tooth structure from the gum socket. There are two different types of extractions: Simple extractions ⁠— don’t require incisions and only need a local anesthetic

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