雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. IPA [ˌhɒŋ ˈkɒŋ] pr n. 香港. 釋義. 相關詞. pr n. pr n. 1. 香港 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港特別行政區.

  2. 1. 索求; 請求; 徵求 to solicit sth. from sb. 向某人索要某物. 2. 招徠 the women were soliciting clients in the red-light district 那些女人在紅燈區拉客. vi. 不及物動詞. 1. 招攬某物 to solicit for sth. 索要某物 to solicit for custom 招攬顧客.

  3. aforementioned. 更多解釋. aforesaid. KK [əˋfor͵sɛd] DJ [əˋfɔ:sed] 美式. adj. 前述的,上述的. Dr.eye 譯典通.

  4. 形容詞. 1. 微弱的 a faint smell/breeze 淡淡的氣味/微風. 2. 渺茫的 I haven't the faintest idea 我一點也不知道. 3. 虛弱的; 淡淡的 faint heart never won fair lady 懦夫難贏美人心. 4. 眩暈的 I'm faint with hunger 我餓得頭昏眼花.

  5. 1. 拖延 we delayed too long 我們耽擱得太久了 don't delay 別磨蹭. n. 名詞. 1. 延誤 there will be delays to flights 會有航班延誤. 2. 延遲 a few minutes' delay 幾分鐘的延遲 a slight delay between transmission and reception 發射和接收之間的短暫延時. 3.

  6. 1. 滑倒; 打滑; 遭遇挫敗; 遭遇尷尬 to slip in/on sth. 在某物中/上滑倒 to slip on a banana skin 踩到香蕉皮滑倒. 2. 滑動 the knife slipped and cut my cheek 剃刀一滑割傷了我的面頰. 3. 沒掛上; 鬆脫 to slip on sth. 在…上滑行 to slip off the hook 從鉤子上掉下來. 4.

  7. n. [C] 例子,實例 [(+of)] There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving, for instance, training lions. 有些工作比開卡車還要危險,例如馴獅就是。. Let me give you some instance s. 讓我給你舉幾個例子。. vt. 舉……為例;引證 He instance d the fly as a dirty insect. 在說到骯髒的昆蟲時他舉 ...

  8. 名詞複數:lifts. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. 片語. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 拿起; 抱起; 提起 the piano was too heavy for us to lift 這架鋼琴太重了,我們抬不動 these containers can be lifted only by the most powerful cranes 這些集裝箱只有最強力的起重機才能吊起來.

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