雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · People often think that most of the victims are women, but according to the police, male victims accounted for 35% of the total number of online romance scam cases in August this year alone. In the past, there was often the view that cross-border fraud centres like this were based either in Southeast Asia or Mainland China.

  2. 4 天前 · 【明報專訊】衛冕之師西班牙明晨將在歐洲國家聯賽A4組迎戰塞爾維亞隊,惟據報為免陣中17歲巴塞隆拿新星拉明耶馬再次拉傷肌肉,昨決定讓他提早退隊返球會。至於有39歲球星基斯坦奴朗拿度(C朗)領軍的葡萄牙隊,將在A1組作客對蘇格蘭隊。

  3. 5 天前 · 衛詩雅在長達9個月的訓練,要熟練掌握破地獄儀式中的多項複雜動作,耍劍、拋劍兼背誦經文。她除上堂以外,經常在公園和家中練習,務求在銀幕前更具說服力。衛詩雅自爆做gym時,別人聽音樂,自己則聽超度經文,一邊做運動一邊背誦。

  4. 3 天前 · 【明報文章】In a recent meeting organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Majid Takhtravanchi, Iran's deputy foreign minister for political affairs, addressed the vital role of dialogue among diplomatic missions, particularly during critical times. The speaker underscored the responsibility of governments to maintain peace and stability, warning that ...

  5. 5 天前 · 【明報專訊】ERROR成員梁業(肥仔)與陳宗澤(CY)前晚演出在商場舉行的音樂會。打頭陣的肥仔獲父母撐場,在台下舉牌支持。他在台上表示母親日前剛度過生日,特別點唱《Dear Mama》冧媽咪,祝福天下所有父母都快樂。CY獻唱陳奕迅《歲月如歌》時突然發台瘟忘記歌詞,即要求重新開始,又以笑 ...

  6. 5 天前 · 【明報專訊】韓國史上最高開畫票房紀錄片《再‧見熊貓福寶》10月4日在港上映,票房達200萬。片中韓國愛寶樂園飼養員姜爺爺(姜哲遠)前晚從台灣來港,到尖沙嘴戲院出席見面會,到場先以廣東話自我介紹與觀眾打招呼,表示記得有很多香港人在愛寶樂園和他打招呼,能來到香港非常開心,很 ...

  7. 5 天前 · 【明報專訊】單身嘅房屋局常任秘書長羅淑佩係MIRROR成員陳卓賢(Ian)嘅fans,佢噚日喺電台節目被主持車淑梅問到Ian符唔符合佢理想伴侶形象時,佢嚇一嚇,「吓?我做得佢阿媽有找喎!」又話,「如果我有個咁嘅仔就唔錯啦!」至於感情生活,佢似乎睇得幾開,「呢啲天意嚟嘅」,話自己因為 ...