雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · 首波加購商品「SUSHIRO x LAIMO 貘力環保袋」全台壽司郎店內消費滿 500 元,即可以 300 元加價購乙個、消費滿 1,000 元可加價換購 2 個,以此類推;這款環保袋以 Cherng 的獨特插畫設計,展現了小貘偷夾鮭魚握壽司的可愛場景,絕對是街頭最亮眼的配件之一 ...

  2. www.forbes.com › profile › andrew-cherng-1Andrew Cherng - Forbes

    5 天前 · Andrew Cherng cofounded Chinese fast-food chain Panda Express, alongside his wife Peggy Cherng. Born in China, his family moved to Taiwan and Japan before he immigrated to the U.S., where he met ...

  3. www.forbes.com › profile › peggy-cherngPeggy Cherng - Forbes

    2 天前 · Peggy Cherng is cofounder and co-CEO of Panda Express, the $5.4 billion (est. sales) Chinese fast-food chain with some 2,400 locations. She left her engineering career to help her husband, Andrew...

  4. 6 天前 · Located in the northwest coast of Phuket in the district of Cherng-Talay : Phuket's Hottest New Neighborhood. Despite this modern touch to what was formerly one of the island's largest tin mining sites, it still holds onto a relaxed beach town atmosphere with a wide choice of attractions, restaurants, and shops.

  5. 5 天前 · 國內景氣朝復甦方向推進,臺灣銀行董事長呂桔誠指出,雖然傳產仍面臨挑戰,但 AI 商機為半導體產業帶起一片希望,加上台商資本回流、國內消費力道強勁,看好台灣今年經濟成長優於國際表現。 呂桔誠接受中央社專訪時表示,今年國際景氣持續受美國利率政策不確定性、通膨、俄烏戰爭、中東 ...

  6. 5 天前 · 下吉田車站有兩處看富士山的熱門景點,美拍富士山和懷舊商店街的「吉田本町商店街」和高處眺望富士山神社鳥居和展望台的「新倉富士淺間神社」,兩處景點距離下吉田車站皆步行十分鐘。 這篇分享我們在吉田本町商店街的拍攝心得,以及沿路有間文青小餐車「本町茶茶」,商店街附近有幾間 ...

  7. 6 天前 · For the best Kai Yang in Chiang Mai, Cherng Doi and SP Chicken should be at the top of your list. Gai Yang Cherng Doi is a Thai chicken restaurant specializing in slow-roasted chicken that is popular among locals and tourists.

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