雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Labour Tribunal offers a quick, informal and inexpensive way of settling monetary disputes between employees and employers. No legal representation is allowed and parties are required to conduct the case themselves.

  2. 有關一般勞工法例及勞工處所提供的服務的查詢, 請使用我們24小時的電話諮詢服務,電話號碼: 2717 1771 (此熱線由「1823」接聽)。 有關24小時電話諮詢服務的操作方法,請參閱。 熱線電話及地址. 意見、查詢及投訴 查詢熱線: 2717 1771 (由「1823」接聽) 電郵: enquiry@labour.gov.hk 傳真: 2544 3271 郵寄: 香港中環 統一碼頭道38號 海港政府大.

  3. 宣傳及推廣

  4. 勞工視察科分區辦事處的地址及電話. 分區辦事處. 地址. 電話. 香港東分區辦事處. 香港西灣河太安街29號東區法院大樓12字樓1201室. 2886 6783. 香港西分區辦事處. 香港太古城太古灣道14號12字樓1203室.

  5. 辦公時間. 颱風及暴雨警告的安排. 解決勞資金錢糾紛的程序. 勞資審裁處的工作. 勞資審裁處為市民解決勞資雙方的金錢糾紛,程序簡單快捷,所需費用不多。 審裁處不容許與訟雙方由法律代表代為出席聆訊,因此與訟雙方的當事人須親自處理案件。 儘管調查主任會協助你擬備你的申索表格及審裁官在聆訊進行時會協助你們,但審裁處不會向雙方就其申索提供任何法律意見。 如有需要,你應自行索取獨立的法律意見。 我可以在勞資審裁處進行哪些申索? 審裁處的司法管轄權僅限於處理以下申索:

  6. A. Introduction to the Labour Tribunal. Before bringing your case to the Court, it is always advisable to attempt to settle through conciliation. The Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department stands ready to help both parties settle quickly and amicably. The telephone hotline for the Labour Department is 27171771 and the e-mail address ...

  7. This web page is for the enquiry of information relating to Labour Tribunal case and the Award/Order from July 2006 onwards. The information retrieved here is for reference only and is subject to change. For enquiries, please contact the Labour Tribunal Registry . The information on this web page is for private use only.

  8. Court Services & Facilities > e-Services > Labour Tribunal. Labour Tribunal. Appointment Booking. Appointment Enquiry. Change Appointment. Cancel Appointment. Case Record Enquiry. Award Payment Enquiry Service. e-Pamphlet.

  9. The tribunal will give directions or orders on dates for submission of witness statements, documents and exhibits. You should also ensure that all deadlines given by the presiding officer are complied with.

  10. The Labour Relations Division Hotline number is 2717 1771. If conciliation fails, you may consider bringing your case to the Labour Tribunal. When you have decided to do so, you should make an appointment to file your claim with the Labour Tribunal through this web page or the telephone appointment booking service at Telephone No. 2625 0056.

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