雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 很多人都有這樣的想法,但這樣想,其實會不會忽視了假冒來電的危險?您可能認為自己才不會像那10%受害人一樣,這麼容易就將資料雙手奉上。但您以為只是「協助調查」,提供全名和出生日期就無問題? 騙徒是捉弄人心的高手,即使您一開始拒絕他們的要求,他們仍然會威逼利誘,要您透露更 ...

  2. 股票評析功能為您心儀的港股提供多種技術分析指標,股票圖表走勢形態及市場共識. 不同種類的技術分析工具讓您選擇,例如移動平均線、擇布林線指標(Bollinger Bands)、平滑異同移動平均線(MACD)及相對強弱指數(RSI)及KDJ指標. 透過滙豐交易追蹤查看其他 ...

  3. 簡單來說,投資就是一個資本或資源分配的過程,在理想的情況下,它可以為您帶來收入,或隨時間升值。 長遠而言,投資所帶來的投資回報率(ROI),很大機會比您將資金存放在儲蓄戶口的回報高。不過,凡事都沒有絕對的保證,因為投資始終涉及風險,任何投資產品的價值都會有升有跌,您 ...

  4. 累積表現. 查看滙豐強積金智選計劃的成分基金的單位價格。. 你亦可下載以下的過往單位價格資料:. 單一成分基金,最多可能查看過往一年之單位價格. 滙豐強積金計劃的所有成分基金,最多只能查看過往一個月之單位價格. 查看基金價格及下載其過往資料 ...

  5. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.

  6. for details of the guarantee features (including in the context of payment of accrued benefits in instalments) and the ‘Guarantee Conditions’. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in ...

  7. for details of the guarantee features (including in the context of payment of accrued benefits in instalments) and the ‘Guarantee Conditions’. MPF Benefits, AVC Benefits and TVC Benefits are payable on a Member’s 65th birthday or on early retirement on or after reaching age 60. The accrued benefits can be paid in one lump sum or in ...