雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年8月12日 · Ghosts, monsters, fairies, goblins and ogres are all considered obake in Japanese culture. Since nature worship and animism are deeply embedded in the culture, Japanese people often think that natural transformation is some kind of sign, such as a rainbow after the rain, foliage in the woods, metamorphosis of insects and amphibians, etc.

  2. 3 天前 · 도쿄에서 지하철 을 타고 여행하는 길은 꽤나 피곤할 수 있지만, 이런 경우에 100엔을 더 내고, 다른 지하철을 타고 환승을 하는 방법으로 신주쿠에서 롯폰기로 가는 방법도 있지요. 돈을 더 내고. 환승도 해야하지만, 두 발이 피곤해지지 않는답니다. 게다가, 요즘 ...

  3. 新宿是東京都西邊最大的交通匯集點,車站周邊林立了許多新穎的百貨公司、獨立店鋪、餐飲店及聲色場所,也是許多觀光客住宿的首選地。但您可能不知道在這些高樓的縫隙間,佇立著許多超過百年的飲食老店,依舊吸引著新舊客戶上門品嘗。即將拜訪東京的您,不妨在逛街之餘造訪,品嘗百年 ...

  4. 2019年3月18日 · Magma Kairo. As the name suggests, these "magma" kairo pads are the way to move forward if the normal ones weren't hot enough. Boasting temperatures of up to 73 degrees Celsius (163.4°F), direct contact with the skin is not really recommended due to the potential of burning yourself. The best way to use these is to wrap them in a scarf before ...

  5. 2017年12月15日 · Kaya no Sato Farm Stand. Address: 719-4 Itazuma, Gotemba City, Shizuoka. Hours: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. weekdays / 10 a.m.-3 p.m. weekends. www.thekanert.com Tokyo Chubu Video. This association on the edge of Mount Fuji is working to preserve the thatching techniques needed to preserve many of Japan's historic structures, including the 'praying hands ...

  6. 2017年12月30日 · 位在澀谷的『あくとり代官 鍋之進』店內精緻高雅,提供嚴選自日本各地約20款自豪的精選鍋物,有肉類火鍋、季節海鮮、季節蔬菜、藥膳、韓式、豆乳香菜鍋等等,每一道都是經過食材嚴格挑選、細心烹飪完成。. 想吃得健康又能變美麗的話,推薦這款『湯 ...

  7. 2017年12月7日 · 8. Sogenji Temple (Tokyo) If you’re familiar with Japanese mythology and folklore, you surely know about the kappa. According to the Shintoist tradition, they're part of the water deity family, mischievous creatures who inhabit ponds and rivers and are generally prone to pranks. Kappa are the size of a child, and have a humanoid appearance ...