雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年3月18日 · The city of Sapporo (札幌) is the capital of Hokkaido (北海道), Japan's northernmost island and largest prefecture. It's separated from Japan's main island, Honshu, by the Tsugaru Strait, but is connected by rail via the undersea Seikan Tunnel. Sapporo encompasses an area almost double the size of Tokyo, and is the fifth most populous city ...

  2. 如果你去過這裡,你一定不覺得誇張。. 黑部峽谷鐵路確實是日本最好的景觀之一。. 如圖上你看到的,這個北日本阿爾卑斯山脈中的V形的峽谷,從河面到最高點有2000米,是日本最深的峽谷。. 整條鐵道線路從宇奈月站到櫸平站全長20.1千米。. 途徑10個車站,41 ...

  3. 2023年7月6日 · 引人入勝的多樣化賞楓首選 | 中島公園. 作為札幌人引以為傲的城市綠洲,中島公園佔地極廣(約有4.5個東京巨蛋)、四季皆美,雖過往名氣不如北海道大學,但因日劇《First Love》在園內札幌天文臺取景而聲名大噪。. 中島公園入口處即有高達10公尺的銀杏步道 ...

  4. 2018年10月24日 · 儘管日本的罐裝氣泡酒不斷推陳出新,在日本人心中還是有幾款長年不敗,聚會一定忍不住購入幾瓶的心頭好。不管是單喝或是跟其他酒精一起搭配成雞尾酒,甚至是做成甜點,不同用途有不同的樂趣喔!以下將介紹七款日本人票選出最愛、口感最順的罐裝氣泡酒精飲料,不僅年輕人,也是許多 ...

  5. 2018年6月18日 · I also didn't limit the list to genuine Japanese foods, but included Western-style yoshoku dishes and a sprinkling of chuuka (imported Chinese) foods that are so ingrained in Japanese food culture that most people barely think of them as Chinese any more. And of course, I have eaten all of the foods listed at least once—in most cases many ...

  6. 2019年3月18日 · 1. Nagoya has tons of stuff to do, but it's also a great home base if you want to see a little more of the country. There are some awesome places that are just a couple of hours away, like the jaw-dropping Ise area, Iga, the legendary home of ninja, some gorgeous onsen in Gifu, as well as Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto. 2.

  7. 2021年5月26日 · Scroll down for the best things to do in Sapporo. 21. Have a fun-filled trip to the Ishiya Chocolate Factory. If you've ever been to Sapporo, one of the famous souvenirs that people will recommend to you is a Shiroi Koibito cookie. It definitely is worth buying, thanks to its uniqueness and decadent flavor.

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