雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 徳島縣鳴門市的地産地消複合店舖「THE NARUTO BASE」内設有餐廳、工坊,以及專門販賣德島縣當地特產的販賣所。推薦美食有使用當地特產的鳴門金時以及和三盆糖,再加入一撮鳴門鹽提味製成的紅豆湯 (鳴門金時ぜんざい;580日圓) 。

  2. 2017年2月19日 · For the most part, Kashima Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture looks like any one of hundreds of other Japanese shrines. Founded over 1,300 years ago, the architecture of the shrine looks pretty typical for a place of Shinto worship. However, if you make your way back past the rear shrine buildings, you’ll find a scene of ethereal beauty.

  3. 2018年1月17日 · 6. Hachioji Castle (Western Tokyo) Hachioji Castle was built in the late 1570s, transforming virtually all of Mount Fukazawa into an impregnable fortress. Even today, the mountain is better known as Shiroyama: Castle Mountain. The Hojo were the most most powerful clan in the Kanto region in the late 16th century.

  4. 2016年5月27日 · Tsukuba lies about 50 minutes northeast of Tokyo, and has a direct line from Akihabara Station in the form of the Tsukuba Express. A major research center, it's often referred to as “ Science City .”. Compared to other metropolitan areas of Japan, the population of Tsukuba is quite small, at about 220,000. But the city was planned with ...

  5. 日本的便利超商真的是名副其實的"便利"。而其中不能錯過的便利商店正是"Lawson"(羅森) 1977年,Lawson決定開始提供24小時的服務。自那時開始,其服務涵蓋層面越來越廣。 今天要介紹我們住家的好鄰居Lawson便利商店的六大超棒的服務。

  6. 2015年12月9日 · The mountain is known as a sacred site where the god Niningi-no-Mikoto, grandson of sun goddess Amaterasu and great-grandfather of legendary Emperor Jimmu, is said to have landed on Earth. The site of many historic tales, the mountain is called Reiho which signifies it as a sacred mountain that people have long feared and respected.

  7. 近年來在各大網站及社群媒體上,經常可見日本「神藥」的報導。日本神藥指的是日本一般家庭的常備藥,由於日本的製藥廠所生產的藥品,在原材料與製作上都經過相當嚴格的把關,長年下來更是深透日本各個家庭。以感冒藥為例,除了日本各家藥廠所推出的經典系列外,更細分有感冒類型與症狀 ...

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