雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. GBS JP 國棟醫生 鄭維志先生 Dr Donald K T Li JP JP Mr Philip N L Chen SBS JP 陳南祿先生 Mr Stephen Ip Shu Kwan GBS JP 葉澍堃先生 Mr Iain F Bruce 布魯士先生 Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai Tai ...

  2. Review of Operations 業務回顧84 2009/10 Champion Awards 二 九 一 年度香港賽馬會冠軍人馬獎Horse of the Year 香港馬王 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Champion Sprinter 最佳短途馬 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Champion Miler 最佳一哩馬 Able One 步步穩 ...

  3. BOARD OF STEWARDS 董事局Mr Simon S O Ip CBE JP 葉錫安先生 Stewardship of success出 色 領 導 Mr David Eldon GBS CBE JP (Deputy Chairman, until 10/3/2008)陳祖澤先生(主席) 艾爾敦先生 (擔任副主席至10/3/2008) Mr John C C Chan GBS JP

  4. Review of Operations 業務回顧Chinese New Year has long been one of the high spots of the Club's season – but this year, as part of the 125th Anniversary celebrations, the entertainment reached new heights, with an Equine Fun Fest added to the ever

  5. HK’s disabled atHletes stRiKe gOld Review of Operations 業務回顧38 Reaching the London 2012 Paralympics was never going to be an easy task, and suddenly it looked even more daunting for Hong Kong’s boccia players when at the last minute, Malaysia

  6. special.hkjc.com › root2 › football香港賽馬會 - HKJC

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  7. special.hkjc.com › promo › chAwards & Honours

    102 Awards & Honours 獎項及榮譽 Commitment is its own reward 社會承擔獲嘉許 Season 2009/10 was a landmark in the history of the Club because it was the year when its 26,000-strong team celebrated with Hong Kong people the fruits of their 125-year-old

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