雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年5月26日 · Scroll down for the best things to do in Sapporo. 21. Have a fun-filled trip to the Ishiya Chocolate Factory. If you've ever been to Sapporo, one of the famous souvenirs that people will recommend to you is a Shiroi Koibito cookie. It definitely is worth buying, thanks to its uniqueness and decadent flavor.

  2. 2016年11月7日 · Japanese paper folding was called orisue (据, literally “folded setting down”) or origata (折形, folded shape) in the Edo Period. Building on the same root, oru (, to fold), it later became orimono (折り物, folded thing) before finally settling into the very literal origami (折紙, folded paper) sometime between the late 19th ...

  3. 외국인의 신분으로 일본에서 집을 구하는 건 여간 따다로운 일이 아니기 때문에, 각종 증빙서류의 제출 및 집을 구하기까지 시간도 다소 걸립니다. 참고로, 도쿄 기준 일본 유학생 평균 월세는 5만엔에서 6만엔 정도입니다. 도쿄 23구보다는, 도쿄 23구 이외의 지역 ...

  4. 來回明信片(126日圓,往復はがき) 在許多募集參加活動的簡章裡,常會看到主辦單位要求以「往復はがき」,也就是「來回明信片」的方式來參加募集活動。所謂的來回明信片,並不是將「回」的明信片裝信封袋裡寄出,而是一組兩張未裁切的明信片,寄出為「往信」,郵票是水藍色,收到的回 ...

  5. 2017年10月6日 · The outdoor seaside bath blends with the coastline, its curved lines beautiful in their own right. Before you lies a panorama starring the Sea of Japan as an actor who brings a feeling of limitless freedom. The sky, from when the sun rises until it sets, keeps making awesome changes. - www.furofushi.com.

  6. ปลาที่คนญี่ปุ่นนิยมบริโภคอย่างเช่น ทูน่า แซลมอน ซาบะ ซันมะ และส่วนของปลาที่ไม่คิดว่าจะมีใครกินก็สามารถนำมาปรุงอาหารได้ ...

  7. 深度旅遊. 生活. 【深度日本】暗藏玄機!. 2024年日本新版紙幣設計就要登場!. (下). Lynn 2023年6月20日 更新. 深度日本 日本文化. 日本的紙幣設計樣式將於2024年更新,新的面額一萬日圓、五千日圓、一千日圓的 新版紙幣正面人物 ,將變成澀澤榮一、津田梅 ...

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