雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月27日 · One might say that Golden Week is truly golden, because not only do students get a bit of vacation time, but it’s actually the longest vacation period of the year for many Japanese employees, making it a highly anticipated holiday for families residing in Japan. The key dates are April 29 (Showa Day), May 3 (Constitution Memorial Day), May 4 ...

  2. 2022年5月30日 · Rainy Season 101. The rainy season is a period of transition from spring to summer in Japan that typically lasts from early June to mid-July for most of the country. The Japanese word for rainy season is tsuyu, literally “plum rain” (梅雨), as it coincides with the season of plums ripening in Japan.

  3. 2017年3月31日 · Fruit Historical Site Onsen Handicrafts Mountains Waterfall Bridges Hiking Autumn Colors Great Outdoors Gunma Kanto. Gunma is a hiker's paradise, and autumn is the ideal time to visit. As the leaves change color, discover one of the Three Great Scenic Wonders of Japan, beautiful marshes, waterfalls, hot springs and more!

  4. 2018年1月30日 · 为您逐一介绍最常见的13种日本酒。 或许你对日本酒早就有所了解,但通过这篇文章,全面把握日本酒的种类,特点,喝法,醉也醉得明明白白哦! 如果这些酒都端上桌,你真的会喝吗?

  5. 2019年6月19日 · 横滨,一个历史与未来并存的现代化港口都市。在这里,你既可以沉醉于150年前开港时的怀旧摩登氛围中,也可以慢慢体验充满未来感的都市空间里所独有的那份喧闹与孤独。无需再走马观花,也不用太过奔波,请收下这10处由来自日本的横滨旅行达人所总结的迷人景点。特别是针对自由行旅客,手 ...

  6. 2020年3月2日 · Location: 1 Chome-1-1 Shirokanedai, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0071. - www.instagram.com. A wonderlist for your wanderlust. Follow for more of Japan's most wondrous places, bizarre things, and magically delicious foods. wanderlist.jp Tokyo Weird Japan Kanto. Happo-en is a hidden gem featuring a traditional tea house, koi pond, bonsai, cherry trees ...

  7. 2022年7月14日 · 每年7、8月,海滩都会举办传统的“海之家”活动。就像许多日剧里的那样,在海滩附近的“海之家”里,不仅可以买到荞麦面、刨冰等日式小吃,冰淇淋饮料也可尽情挑选。此外,各种可以租赁的游乐设施,比如橡胶救生圈、小冲浪板等等。

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