雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. No minimum transfer amount to help you manage your cash flow. Set up an automatic transfer to your bank account at a time and frequency that's best for you. A standard fee of 1.2% for PayMe for Business app transactions, and 1.5% for PayMe API (e.g. through your integrated website or mobile apps), or point-of-sale terminal transactions.

  2. PayMe是在香港最多人用的電子錢包之一,只要綁定銀行賬戶或信用卡就可以進行收款、付款、轉賬等交易,全港超過五萬間網上/實體店接受PayMe付款,更可以享用獨家優惠及折扣。本文為PayMe使用教學,會教你如何申請PayMe戶口,綁定銀行賬戶/銀行卡增值,以及添加收款人並進行收款/付款等程序。

  3. Get started paying friends, family and businesses in just a few minutes - all you need is your mobile number, email address and HKID. Download PayMe today! This App is designed for use in Hong Kong. The products and services represented within this App are intended for Hong Kong customers. This App is provided by The Hongkong and Shanghai ...

  4. 業務報告 洞察商機 PayMe for Business 網上管理平台為您總結交易及銷售表現,數據一覽無遺,助您制定相應策略。網上管理您的賬戶 簡單完成設定,只需輸入您現有的 PayMe for Business 登入資料及建立新密碼——一切就緒,您可以於網上管理賬戶了。

  5. PayMe 領取消費券 賺盡精彩獎賞!用 PayMe 領取消費券,即可獲取高達港幣 1,300 元折扣優惠券,適用於任何接受 PayMe 付款的商店,讓你盡情消費!為什麼要轉用 PayMe 領取消費券?消費券詳情,一目了然 輕鬆在「我的賬戶」版面一覽消費券結餘及到期

  6. paymepromotions.hsbc.com.hkPayMe by HSBC

    PayMe. Pay anyone instantly. Go cashless. As well paying your friends and family, you can also use our award-winning app to pay your favourite restaurants, retailers and many more! PayMe's accepted at thousands of outlets across Hong Kong, and with great ...

  7. PayMe(官方名稱: PayMe from HSBC )是香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司提供的智能手機支付服務,目前僅適用於擁有本地電話號碼和銀行的香港用戶。 此外,PayMe的用戶可以使用與信用卡或(任何本地)銀行賬戶相關聯的移動應用程式向企業付款及向其他用戶相互轉賬 [1] 。

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