雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年12月24日 · 1月在北半球很多地方都很冷, 很多地方都下雪. 日本也是有雪的国家.北海道,东北, 北陆都是下雪不少的地方. 提起雪, 其实想不想到在中文有多少个形容雪的方法? 有好几个吧, 而日语呢? 日本緻细的文化在语言也反映到出来,对每一个雪的型态,下雪的时期都有一个词语. 算起来差不多有100个, 今天我们 ...

  2. 2019年11月8日 · 虽然不少外国游客入驻温泉旅馆,或是观览京都,金泽这些古都时,都曾有过和服试穿拍照留念的在地体验,但却很难讲,热闹过后,你足够了解和服背后的文化背景及穿着规范。与世界上大多数民族的特色服装一样,和服首先在样式设计上男女分得很清楚,本篇由表及里,给大家梳理下男女版和服 ...

  3. 2018年6月18日 · I also didn't limit the list to genuine Japanese foods, but included Western-style yoshoku dishes and a sprinkling of chuuka (imported Chinese) foods that are so ingrained in Japanese food culture that most people barely think of them as Chinese any more. And of course, I have eaten all of the foods listed at least once—in most cases many ...

  4. 2022年5月25日 · 日本传统颜色. 日本的传统颜色是粗略统计 约有460种以上 ,从日本古代开始,一直传承至今,早已成为了与日本人的生活不可分割的存在。. 曾经,日本人会用颜色来区分不同的身份地位;现在,人们会用这些取自大自然的色彩,点缀、丰富自己的生活,让大家 ...

  5. 2019年4月8日 · The trip takes about 30 minutes and costs ¥450 one-way. Visitors flying into Narita Airport can take an Airport Limousine Bus to the Yokohama City Air Terminal next to Yokohama Station. Note that it takes longer (about 85 minutes) and costs ¥3,600 (about US$33) one-way. By Train.

  6. 2018年5月17日 · A post shared by rika (@rikamay) on Jun 3, 2018 at 3:50pm PDT. One key aspect to the beauty of satoyama is the verdure of the crops. Japanese farms typically grow green plants like cabbage, potatoes, eggplants and—of course—rice, as opposed to browner crops like wheat (though there are also wheat farms in Japan).

  7. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.