雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Macau Tower is one of the most recognizable landmarks of the Macau skyline and offers the best view of Macau. It is a major tourist destination and MICE venue in Macau. Apart from MICE business, it offers eclectic dining choices, the best observation spot in town, shopping attractions, as well as the world’s highest commercial Bungy Jump.

  2. www.macautower.com.mo › zh-hantHome - Macau Tower

    澳門旅遊塔是澳門最著名的地標之一,是澳門主要旅遊目的地及會展場所,坐擁澳門美麗天際線的最佳視角。. 除了會展業務,澳門旅遊塔還提供各式餐飲選擇、獨一無二的觀光廊、精彩購物體驗,以及世界上最高的商業蹦極跳。.

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Macau_TowerMacau Tower - Wikipedia

    The tower was created by Moller Architects and is one of the members of the World Federation of Great Towers. In addition to observation and entertainment, the tower is also used for telecommunications and broadcasting. It and the Grand Lisboa hotel are the most recognizable landmarks of the Macau skyline.

  4. 一般入場參觀 - Macau Tower. 觀光層. 從最高角度俯瞰澳門. 位於離地223米高的澳門旅遊塔觀光層,設有大型的落地玻璃窗,提供一個無與倫比的全景視野,你將可以前所未有地360度飽覽澳門全景,從最高角度俯瞰整個城市。 澳門有無數特色,從摩天大樓、葡式歷史建築物,到美麗的海岸線,讓澳門成為絕佳的旅遊地點。 而澳門旅遊塔的觀光層,絕對是觀賞美麗天際線的最佳視角。 來澳門旅遊,請記得把澳門旅遊塔觀光層加入你的行程, 這將會是一個令人難忘的獨特體驗! 門票套餐. 我們提供以下多款門票套餐選擇,適合各種口味及需求: 180酒廊貴賓暢飲套票. 貴賓暢飲單人套票. 180酒廊. $ 298 每位. 包含180酒廊(59層)及觀光層(58層及61層)入場門票.

  5. 活動介紹. 為東南亞最高觀光鋼塔的澳門觀光旅遊塔,甚至超越了巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔,223米玻璃落地窗向外眺望,整個澳門的美麗景色盡收眼底。. 塔頂內有自助饗宴,讓你在享用自助美食的同時,感受登高望遠的豪邁氣魄。. 站在透明玻璃地板,讓整個澳門360°環 ...

  6. 澳門旅遊塔會展娛樂中心(葡萄牙語: Centro de Convenções e Entretenimento da Torre de Macau;英語: Macau Tower Convention & Entertainment Center )簡稱澳門旅遊塔(港澳地區通稱澳門觀光塔、觀光塔;葡萄牙語: Torre de Macau;英語: )是一座

  7. www.skyparkmacau.com › the-siteSkypark Macau Tower

    At a commanding 338 meters tall the Macau Tower was opened in 2002 and is one of Macau's most recognizable and celebrated landmarks. The two observation decks offer 360-degree' views of the entire Macau Peninsula, Taipa, and Coloane.

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