雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年10月7日 · Aspiration pneumonia is an infection of the lungs caused by inhaling saliva, food, liquid, vomit and even small foreign objects. It can be treated with appropriate medications. If left untreated, complications can be serious, even fatal.

  2. 2024年3月20日 · Aspiration pneumonia is an infectious pulmonary condition triggered by entering bacteria-rich oropharyngeal fluids into the lower respiratory tract. The aspirated fluid may contain oropharyngeal secretions, particulate matter, or gastric content.

  3. Aspiration pneumonia is a type of lung infection that is due to a relatively large amount of material from the stomach or mouth entering the lungs. [1] . Signs and symptoms often include fever and cough of relatively rapid onset. [1] . Complications may include lung abscess, acute respiratory distress syndrome, empyema, and parapneumonic effusion.

  4. 2019年2月13日 · Aspiration pneumonia is an infection caused by specific microorganisms, whereas chemical pneumonitis is an inflammatory reaction to irritative gastric contents. Our understanding of...

  5. 2022年11月8日 · Aspiration pneumonia results from inhalation of oropharyngeal contents into the lower airways that leads to lung injury and resultant bacterial infection. It commonly occurs in patients with altered mental status who have an impaired gag or swallowing reflex.

  6. 2023年7月19日 · Aspiration pneumonia refers to adverse pulmonary consequences due to entry of gastric or oropharyngeal fluids, which may contain bacteria and/or be of low pH, or exogenous substances (eg, ingested food particles or liquids, mineral oil, salt or fresh water) into].

  7. 吸入性肺炎 是一種 肺部 感染 ,這是由於胃或口腔進入肺部的物質相對較多引起的,症狀通常包括相對較快發作的發熱和咳嗽,併發症可能包括肺膿腫。. 其中一些病例為化學性肺炎亞型,由酸性且無感染性的胃內容物進入肺部引起,而其他類型的則不是這樣 ...

  8. 2024年1月20日 · Aspiration pneumonia is caused by a direct chemical insult due to the entry of a foreign substance, solid or liquid, into the respiratory tract. Epidemiology. Risk factors. alcohol intoxication. general anesthesia. loss of consciousness. structural abnormalities of the pharynx and esophagus. neuromuscular disorders. swallowing disorders.

  9. 吸入肺炎 是一种 肺部 感染 ,这是由于胃或口腔进入肺部的物质相对较多引起的,症状通常包括相对较快发作的发热和咳嗽,并发症可能包括肺脓肿。 其中一些病例为化学性肺炎亚型,由酸性且无感染性的胃内容物进入肺部引起,而其他类型的则不是这样。 感染可能是由于各种各样的 细菌 所引起的。 危险因素包括意识水平下降,吞咽困难,酗酒,管饲和口腔健康不良。 诊断通常基于病史,症状,胸部X线和痰培养的结果。 将此种肺炎同其他类型的 肺炎 区分开可能是困难的。 [1] 治疗通常用 抗生素 比如 克林霉素 , 罗培南 , 氨苄青霉素/巴坦 ,或者 莫西沙星 。 对于那些罹患化学性肺炎的患者,抗生素通常不是必需的。 在因肺炎住院的人群中,约有10%是由于误吸所致。

  10. Aspiration pneumonitis and pneumonia are caused by inhaling toxic and/or irritant substances, most commonly large volumes of upper airway secretions or gastric contents, into the lungs. Chemical pneumonitis, bacterial pneumonia, or airway obstruction can occur. Symptoms include cough and dyspnea.

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