雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Speed Dating FEVER 成立於2011年政府註冊的約會及配對公司,超過10年經驗的香港本土品牌,參加人數全港最多,成功率自然高! 本地傳媒廣泛報導,信譽及口碑極佳!

  2. 2024年7月5日 · Lens Potion 鏡頭膠白化 - Canon, Nikon, Leica, Sony, Zeiss HK$95. 更多買賣物品. 提供第一手的數碼相機、鏡頭、手機、平板電腦、耳機音響、電動車等數碼產品 ...

  3. We organize a wide range of events in Hong Kong, that include traditional Speed Dating, Romantic Dinners, Singles Parties, Fun Gatherings, and etc. We also provide many love workshops and professional advices to our members.

  4. Speed Dating FEVER was established in 1 January 2011 and registered as a Dating & Matchmaking company under HK government. Our team is comprised of experts who have many years of experience in event management and matchmaking services. We are passionate and enthusiastic young professionals with high educational background.

  5. 2024年1月6日 · MATCH 1+1. In order to have a higher efficiency and successful rate of finding a perfect match, we has designed this 'FEVER Match 1+1' matchmaking service. We will base on members' specific requirements to filter every potential matches, and arrange datings afterwards.

  6. Speed Dating FEVER Limited 於2011年1月1日成立是香港政府註冊的約會及配對公司。 我們致力於香港舉辦各式各樣的單身活動,由傳統的極速約會及浪漫晚宴,到周末派對及玩樂交友,以致專人跟進的「FEVER 一對一配對」服務。

  7. 2018年7月6日 · Speed Dating FEVER commits to organizing a wide range of events in Hong Kong, that include traditional Speed Dating, Romantic Dinners, Singles Parties, Fun Gatherings, and customized matchmaking...

  8. The new dating experience in HK.

  9. 2021年7月10日 · 我剩係去過Frankie Wong既SDFever Match https://sdfever.com.hk/ 伏到不得了 1 on 1既package話一年見12個 最後見得5個 仲要5個全部都符合唔到我要求,講緊每個最少附合唔到2-3樣我要求既條件 (我167高要求173以上,要瘦同搵得多過我即25k+,唔使靚仔正正常常塊面唔好有大缺陷即陳同佳粒墨或者胎記咁) 大佬呀,第4 ...

  10. 2019年12月13日 · Speed Dating FEVER不時舉行各樣的單身活動有傳統的極速Speed Dating及浪漫晚餐約會,另有派對及玩樂活動,包括塔羅配對、自助餐、晚宴、High Tea、和風夜等等,另外亦有專人跟進的「FEVER 一對一配對」服務及戀愛增值服務,如戀愛工作坊及提供顧問及咨詢服務 ...

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