雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 天前 · 秀泰影城斥資超過破億打造大台中地區最佳觀影環境。全台中最大巨型銀幕廳,廳高15米(約五層樓高),寬22米,並配備全台第一台EWD雷射4K放映系統,不論在亮度、色度、對比度都是業界最高的標準,提供您畫面最細膩、色彩最鮮豔、畫質最飽滿的觀影品質。 其他的影廳我們也引進了Christie®RDLP ...

  2. 5 天前 · 九龍 深水埗. 座數及單位: 兩洲大廈 低層. 屋苑樓齡: 58 年. 查看 兩洲大廈 屋苑成交價、圖則等資料. 顯示兩洲大廈屋苑的更多資料. 入伙日期. 1966. 屋苑簡介. 兩洲大廈位於元州街78號,提供85個單位。.

  3. 4 天前 · 偶像劇《完全省錢戀愛手冊》為回饋觀眾的支持,今(2日)由林子閎帶隊,率林鶴軒、陳語安、黃柏峰、潘竹和王敏淳在台北市立兒童新樂園與粉絲相見歡。即使陰雨綿綿仍有300多位粉絲到場參與,甚至有不少死忠粉絲一早就前往活動現場等候,其中不乏從海外飛來的忠實劇迷。

  4. 4 天前 · Site. For cars, trucks and campers, the entrance fee is $7 per vehicle for in-state plates and $9 per vehicle for out-of-state plates, seven days a week including holidays. For pedestrians, bicycles, buses and passenger vans, the entrance fee is $2 per person. When staying overnight, you will be required to pay the entrance fee the first time ...

  5. 3 天前 · Our corporate social investments (CSI) focus on going beyond compliance. This is an additional commitment we make to uplift and improve the lives and livelihoods of our host communities as well as labour sending areas. The following strategic pillars guide our focus areas for social investments in our South Africa and Papua New Guinea operations.