雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月3日 · Political Affiliation: Liberal Party of Australia. Tony Abbott (born November 4, 1957, London, England) is an Australian politician who served as a member of the Australian House of Representatives (1994–2019), leader of the Liberal Party of Australia (2009–15), and prime minister of Australia (2013–15).

  2. 2024年5月10日 · 專程來台出席2021玉山論壇的澳洲前總理艾波特Tony Abbott ),8日上午在玉山論壇發表專題演說。 他坦承自己過去曾因擔心激怒中國而猶豫是否訪台,但看到中國這幾年在國際上的作為,對台灣的敵意日益增加,他認為美國和澳洲都不會袖手旁觀,此時此刻「沒有什麼比聲援台灣更緊迫的事」。 一直積極支持台灣加入CPTPP的艾波特此次為出席玉山論壇而專程訪台。 8日他在專題演說一開場就坦承,2年前他曾經因為顧慮激怒中國,猶豫是否應該來台出席論壇;2年來情勢發生許多變化,中國撕毀對香港「一國兩制」的承諾,設置關押百萬人的新疆集中營,監控自己的人民,扼殺文化獨尊「習皇帝」;在國際上,與印度發生衝突,在東太平洋威嚇他國,將與澳洲的貿易武器化,並且向台灣派出越來越多的軍機進行武嚇。

  3. 2024年5月27日 · Daniel Wild is a Deputy Executive Director at the Institute of Public Affairs. Tony Abbott, Daniel Wild, discuss the Leader of the Opposition's budget reply speech; the urgent need to dramatically reduce migration; and the disgraceful, false equivalence drawn by the International Criminal Court between Hamas and Israel.

  4. 2024年5月26日 · Former Prime Minister and Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Public Affairs, Tony Abbott, and the IPA's Deputy Executive Director, Daniel Wild, discuss...

  5. 2024年5月15日 · Former Prime Minister and Distinguished Fellow of the IPA, Tony Abbott, and the IPA's Deputy Executive Director discuss the tragic stabbings at Bondi, the terrorist attack on a Bishop in Sydney's south-west, and whether multiculturalism can continue to form the

  6. 2024年5月1日 · The organisation announced Abbott’s appointment with breathless zeal, pointing to a recent Wall Street Journal interview that described our man as “a fighter in the Cold War with China”, and ...

  7. 2024年5月21日 · Media. Finally, the government has helped Julian Assange. Well, the Abbott government. Tony Abbott's campaign against asylum seekers has ended up playing an important role in Julian Assange's appeal against his extradition to the United States. Bernard Keane. May 21, 2024. 6. (Image: Zennie/Private Media)