雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. CPA Australia online provides members with a range of finance, accounting and business information services and education.

  2. Here's how: first, apply to become a CPA Australia member, complete the CPA program, meet your experience requirements, make sure you have a degree. Then you're officially a CPA, and can use the CPA designation to enhance your personal brand.

  3. CPA Australia is one of the world's largest accounting bodies. An international, interconnected member organisation. CPA Australia has a membership of 170,826 members in over 100 countries and regions, supported by 19 offices globally. Our core services to members include education, training, technical support and advocacy.

  4. 澳洲會計師公會 (CPA Australia) 香港會計師公會(公會)與澳洲會計師公會 (CPA Australia) 簽訂的新相互承認協議 (New MRA) (2020年7月1日至2025年6月30日). 最後更新:2021年4月.

  5. 澳洲會計師公會 ( 英文 : Certified Practising Accountant Australia ,簡稱 CPA Australia ;前稱Australia Society of Accountants,簡稱ASA [1] )成立於1886年,在121個國家擁有超過150,000名會員,是全球最大的專業會計團體之一。. 澳洲會計師公會一直致力提供知識交流的平台、發展 ...

  6. 澳洲會計師公會的 CPA Program 專業考試是澳洲規模最大的遙距及碩士程度的課程,為會員提供最新的商業、財務及會計知識,使會員能夠應用於實際的工作環境。 參加CPA Program 專業考試的會員須完成3個必修單元,以及從10個選修單元中選取其中3個應考,並於報考第一科單元後的6年內完成整個課程。 考試於每年5月及10月舉行,會員可在全球超過240個考試地點,包括香港應考。 該課程已取得 ISO 9001:2000國際認可資格。 完成CPA Program 專業考試的會員,更可於全球逾140個專業碩士或工商管理碩士課程中取得學科豁免。 如欲索取更多資料,請聯絡澳洲會計師公會香港分會:

  7. CPA Australia (" Certified Practising Accountant ") is a professional accounting body in Australia, originally founded as the "Incorporated Institute of Accountants" in 1886. As of 31 December 2020, it has 168,736 members in 150 countries and regions around the world. [3] .

  8. 2020年7月1日 · Q1. What are the conditions for HKICPA members to become CPA Australia members under the new MRA effective from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2025? Q2. What is the difference between the new and old MRA? Q3. I am a QP student. Do I need to register as a CPA Australia Associate member in order to enjoy the new MRA? Q4.

  9. 澳洲注册会计师课程为全英文开卷考试,采取远程学习模式,适合在职人士平衡学习和工作时间。 除教材外,所有参加考试的会员均可通过免费的在线学习工具完成课程学习。 目前,我们在中国各大城市和全球各主要市场均设有考点。 世界级的会员服务. 澳洲会计师公会的会员享有全球会员网络,可通过多种方式持续享有公会提供的各类专业培训和职业发展支持,亦可参加公会定期举办的各类会员活动,如研讨会、大型论坛及社交活动等。 参与线上咨询讲座. 诚邀您参与公会的咨询讲座,了解关于澳洲注册会计师课程的内容设置、入会要求和免科政策,并有机会获得评估费减免。 咨询讲座 – 在线参与或录制回放. 点撃浏览. 澳洲会计师公会. 联系我们. 了解澳洲会计师公会及澳洲注册会计师课程的更多资讯。 了解更多资讯. 注册编号:310005.

  10. CPA Australia is the largest professional finance, accounting and business body in Australia and the sixth largest accounting body in the world with more than 117,000 members. It has a diverse membership and a significant presence internationally with over 23% of members working and living in 97 countries outside Australia, mostly in Asia.

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