雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. body care company hong kong 相關

  2. 致力為各位建立一個專業健康管理平台,提供各項身體檢查.驗身計劃.醫療化驗.超聲波及X光檢查. 透過血液,超聲波檢查 (包括盤腔,乳房,前列腺,肝膽,腎,脾超聲波檢查),心電圖,評估現時身體狀況


  1. 가는 법. 신주쿠역에서: 특급으로 하코네유모토역까지 1시간 30분, 혹은 급행을 타고 2시간. 버스로 2시간. 도쿄역 또는 시나가와역에서: 도카이도 신칸센을 타고 오다와라역까지 30분. 단 ‘고다마’와 일부 ‘히카리’만 가능. 오다와라역에서 특급 또는 하코네 ...

  2. 当ガイドは六義園の歴史や見どころ情報を掲載したものです。 当園は、中の島を有する大泉水を樹林が取り囲み、紀州(現在の和歌山県)和歌の浦の景勝や和歌に詠まれた名勝の景観が八十八境として映し出されています。庭園の中心に入るための「内庭大門」付近にはシダレザクラの大木が ...

  3. 2023年2月17日 · If you're looking for a few names to get you started, check out the Imperial Hotel Tokyo, the Palace Hotel Tokyo, the Park Hyatt Tokyo and the Grand Hyatt Tokyo, The Okura Tokyo, and the New Otani Tokyo. Tokyo is also home to a Mandarin, a Ritz-Carlton, and a Peninsula. Even if you don't stay at a luxury hotel during your time in Tokyo, if a ...

  4. 2024年1月19日 · In Tokyo, plum blossom season begins in early February. These blossoms can range in color from pale pink to a pinkish cherry red. To celebrate this symbol of spring, plum blossom festivals are held all over the city. The best-known examples include the Setagaya Ume (Plum Blossom) Festival, Bunkyo Ume Matsuri (Plum Festival), and Kyodonomori ...

  5. 2023年10月6日 · KITTE is a play on the Japanese words kitte (postage stamp) and kite (come on over). The concept of the building is to bring together traditional Japan and the new. Each of the seven floors contain a wide variety of shops dedicated to Japanese crafts and popular local food from across the country. The basement has a whole slew of ramen shops ...

  6. A century-old street for garment makers and artisans. Dating back to the early Taisho era (1910s), the Nippori Textile District is Tokyo’s fabric town, offering every fabric and sewing tool imaginable. The approximately 90 stores cater to both personal hobbyists and wholesale buyers. Take your time exploring each shop to find what you’re ...

  7. 2023年3月22日 · 這塊土地曾在1923年的關東大地震遭埋沒,於1937年正式被命名為「豐洲」。現今豐洲已是一座充滿住宅、娛樂設施與休閒設施的人工島嶼。旅客可前往位於沿海、兼具清爽景色與遼闊開放空間的複合式商業設施「LaLaport TOYOSU」盡情購物及放鬆。而在「豐洲公園」,除了有廣闊草坪、兒童遊樂區,還有 ...