雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Morning show: on or before 11:35a.m.(on or before 11:00a.m. for MOViE MOViE Pacific Place, PALACE ifc). Senior citizen is entitled to enjoy $35(MOViE MOViE Pacific Place, PALACE ifc) / $25(Other Broadway Cinemas) per ticket for the first show of each house ...

  2. Each of our cinemas feature a unique design, and are equipped with the most advanced digital cinema equipment, offering audiences an unforgettable visual and audio enjoyment. Taking a bold step by expanding into uncharted territory, Broadway Cinematheque (bc) was founded in November 1996 and has since become the most exciting and stimulating cinema concept in Hong Kong.

  3. After first being established in the 1950s, Broadway Circuit has steadily developed into the largest cinema circuit in Hong Kong through the decades. Reaching another milestone in our storied history in March 2019, our circuit will have an operation that consists of a total of 14 cinemas, providing 82 screens and approximately 12,000 comfortable seating in our city.

  4. 2016年版觀影提示(使用年份:2016年-2018年) Palace IFC Palace apm 旺角百老匯 百老匯The ONE My Cinema YOHO 太古城中心MOVIE MOVIE 位於西九龍 圓方的Premiere Elements戲院 百老匯院線 (Broadway Circuit),是香港的主要電影院院線之一,首家電影院於1950年成立,1987年於九龍 旺角 西洋菜街重建,隨後發展成現時香港最 ...

  5. 查看百老匯電影院線網絡列表,戲院覆蓋香港、九龍及新界。現有13間戲院,合共70個銀幕及超過10,000個座位。為提供多元視聽體驗,本院線設有4個品牌:「百老匯」、「My Cinema」、「Palace」及「MOViE MOViE」。

  6. Ticketing. See what’s on right now and our best offers. Find a movie theater near you and get tickets online! Our Broadway Circuit Ticketing Page displays all current movies and programs available at our movie theaters. Moviegoers can learn more about specific movies or programs by clicking and accessing their dedicated pages, where detailed ...

  7. Il Cinema Broadway è situato nella zona Prenestina (Roma), scopri subito la programmazione dei film e scopri tutti gli eventi in programma! Via dei narcisi 26 Roma +39 06 69 344 712 info@cinemabroadway.com www.cinemabroadway.com

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