雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 除了採用地圖及列表雙介面搜尋功能外,更有VR睇樓Guide、即時物業估值服務、樓盤比較等多元化功能讓用家一目了然搜尋樓盤及接收樓市資訊。. 開發者:中原地產代理有限公司|更新日期:2024年08月29日|. 中原地產代理有限公司 (香港) - 提供香港房地產市場 ...

  2. 中原地產提供全香港各地區屋苑樓盤筍盤,遍佈香港島、九龍及新界。. 本網站提供VR網上搵樓,盤源齊全,覆蓋新盤、二手樓、上車盤、居屋、村屋和豪宅等。.

  3. Centaline Property provides Hong Kong Housing Market information, including property listings for sale/ rent, property news, transaction records and new property details. We also provide other professional services, such as office/ industrial/ retail property listings, surveying and valuation services, auctions, mortgage and immigration services.

  4. 盈科大衍地產. 實用呎價 $21,072/呎. 比上月 7.82% 入伙年份 2008年8月. 單位數量 2,756. 校網/校區 小: 18 中: 南區. 售: 181 租: 58. 杏花邨發展/港鐵. 實用呎價 $12,155/呎. 比上月 0.94% 入伙年份 1989年11月. 單位數量 6,504. 校網/校區 小: 16 中: 東區. 售: 123 租: 16.

  5. 中原地產提供最全面的香港樓市成交紀錄,覆蓋香港各區屋苑的租賃及買賣成交記錄,助你全面掌握樓盤成交動態,了解樓價走勢。.

  6. Find property for sale in Hong Kong from leading real estate agent Centaline Property. The most uncluttered property portal with VR360 video available.

  7. Centaline Property Hong Kong provides most updated new property information, including Sales Brochures, Price Lists, Sales Arrangements, Register of transactions. We also provide new property location details and related property news.

  8. 海璇II上周起招標開售以來沽9伙 共涉逾3.9億. 據項目成交紀錄冊顯示,新鴻基地產 (00016)旗下已屆現樓的北角海璇II,自上周起招標開售至今 (4日)共售出9伙,總成交金額逾3.9億元。. 包括是日錄得第3座9樓B室的成交,單位實用面積1,155方呎,... 04/09/2024.

  9. Centaline Property provides real estate agency services in the sectors of residential properties, commercial properties, private lands, and car park spaces, both in new development and second-hand markets.

  10. Centadata | Centaline Property. Above data reflects market situation. Centa-City Leading Index CCL reflects secondary private residential property price from 2024/08/19 to 2024/08/25 (based on scheduled formal sale & purchase date; on average, formal S&P are signed within 14 days after preliminary S&P).

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