雅虎香港 搜尋


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    ompleted application forms can be submitted to the School by hand, fax (2740 9420) or email (cslcert@ymca.edu.hk). 若有任何疑問,歡迎致電2783 3517;或WhatsApp 6285 8727;或電郵至cslcert@ymca.edu.hk查詢。. Should you have any enquiries, please contact us at (2783 3517); or WhatsApp (6285 8727); or email (cslcert@ymca.edu.hk).

  2. 2. 本校將於課程完結兩個星期後發出有關證明書。學員需自行校領取,本書院不作另行通知。 The certifications will be ready around two-week time after the end of the course. They must be collected by students without further notification. 上課安排 lass 1.

  3. 青年會專業書院YMCA College of Careers 學員守則Guidelines for Students 一般守則 General Rules 1. 上課時請攜帶有效之學員證,以作身份識別。 Bring along your student ID cards to class for verification. 2. 課室內不准吸煙及飲食。 No smoking, eating or

  4. 學習中文為第二語言課程計劃 (本計劃獲語文教育及研究常務委員會支持及語文基金撥款) Project of Learning hinese as a Second Language (This project is supported by S OLAR and funded by the Language Fund.) 入學申請表格Application Form

  5. 入學資格. 會員申請表格. 此課程讓具備初級茶理基礎知識之學員深入認識茶療對身心健康的影響。. 茶療課程分為茶療治身及茶療治心兩部分。. 此課程是透過各類茶品,讓學員學習和感受正念專注,尋清淨的心,不為煩惱困擾,以茶調適身心。. 適合已修畢茶 ...

  6. coc.cymca.edu.hk › wp-content › uploadsÇ Æ

    學員需自行校領取,本校不作另行通知。 完成證書 1. 學員出席率達百分之八十及評核合格,可向本校申請課程《完成證明書》。 2. 每張《完成證明書》收費為港幣五十元,學員需於課程完結後三個月內,到本校辦理申請手續。 3.

  7. coc.cymca.edu.hk › wp-content › uploadsÇ Æ

    完成證書 1. 學員出席率達百分之八十及評核合格,可向本校申請課程《完成證明書》。. 2. 每張《完成證明書》收費為港幣五十元,學員需於課程完結後三個月內,到本校辦理申請手續。. 3. 本校收到學員之申請後,會於兩個星期後發出有關證明書。. 學員需自行 ...

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