雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 觀塘區是香港的著名工廈區之一,聚集了不同傳統公司、亦有不少初創企業進駐這區。人口密集的觀塘區近年吸引了不少新餐廳進駐,只要在街上走一走,便不難收集到一大堆餐廳的宣傳單張,花多眼亂。以下落黎JoinPrint為你逐一介紹觀塘的特色餐廳,茶記、日本菜、越南菜、台灣菜、Café、漢堡包 ...

  2. 透過審視求職者的履歷表,僱主可以知道求職者是否符合職位的要求,繼而決定會否安排面試。\\n一份編寫得宜的CV十分重要。僱主在刊登職位廣告後,往往會收到數十份,甚至數百份申請,他們根本沒有辦法仔細審視所有的履歷表,通常只是閱讀CV的總結部份,看看誰的履歷表比較吸引。\\n若果你 ...

  3. F&B Printing. JoinPrint offers food and beverage printing services to help your restaurants stand out from the crowd. Print restaurant placemats and tent cards to promote new dishes and provide promotional offers today! JoinPrint offers reliable poster printing service and delivers straight to your location in Hong Kong.

  4. Up to 200 Business card design options, simply enter your details, and have your customised Business / Name Card design for free! At JoinPrint we aim to provide Hong Kong with high quality business cards and printed products. We take special care in all our of production stages to ensure that we produce flawless business cards, booklets ...

  5. 端午節將近,六月將有3日連假,諗好假期同屋企人去邊到玩未?喜歡室外活動,當然要欣賞龍舟賽事啦!JoinPrint幫你整理出6月香港各區的龍舟賽事日期地點,方便你到附近最近的地點觀看賽事。如果你怕曬,JoinPrint亦幫你搜羅各項室內活動,讓你在這3日可享受天倫之樂。

  6. 90mm x 54 mm. Lead Time: Order before 1pm, pick up same day before 6pm ; Order between 1pm - 6pm , pick up before noon next day. Paper Type: 350gsm Woodfree Paper / 400 gsm Matte Art Card. Colour: CMYK. Special Effects: Express Printing does not support special effects.

  7. At JoinPrint we are experts at printing high quality booklets. We mostly offer two types of binding, both of which are extremely popular – your classic stapled binding and your profoundly elegant perfect binding. We take great care to ensure that your booklet is flawless and well-constructed. You can be confident that a JoinPrint booklet will ...