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  1. If the size of the original document is A4 or above, please provide the image of whole document, and the close-up of the top 1/3 part of the document. Image that shows the whole document. The close-up of the top 1/3 part of the document, with issuing organization, name of applicant, recipient address and bank account number clearly shown.

  2. After completing the CEF courses, individuals can apply for a subsidy up to HK$25,000, with unlimited number of claims. Also, there are no restrictions on the validity period or applicant's upper age limit. CEF Eligibility Requirement Must be aged 18 or above at ...

  3. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively. According to the Money Lenders Ordinance, the maximum annual percentage rate is 48%. All examples and information of interest rate ...

  4. As a start-up entrepreneur, I did not expect the repercussions, and the financial pressure grew quite heavy without sufficient funds in the beginning. Heard about Promise's credit card repayment for a long time, with recommendation of my friend, I turned to Promise for their debt consolidation loan and that helped me clear my credit card debts easily.

  5. Any item you need to beware of when renovating public housing units? Approximate decoration costs for 300 to 400 sq. ft. public housing units will be provided in this article for reference. Some frequently asked questions about public housing decoration will also be

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  7. It speeds up the whole approval and money transfer process if you apply online. Comparing to general loan, Promise's instant personal loans offer an instant preliminary approval with an online transfer via the 'Faster Payment System' ^. Procedures, from application, approval, and fund transfer can all be done online *.