雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 香港保險業最新發展及監管情況.

  2. Settling in. Group Medical and Public Liability Insurance Schemes for Non-local Students. PolyU has already prepared a basic insurance coverage (Group Personal Accident Insurance) for students joining PolyU activities during their stay in Hong Kong. For details, please refer to the latest insurance policies on the Finance Office (FO) website:

  3. Medical Care. The Hospital Authority manages over 40 public hospitals and institutions, over 40 specialist out-patient clinics and over 70 general out-patient clinics. Medical services are provided to the general public (holders of Hong Kong Identity Cards) at affordable charges.

  4. Abstract. Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This paper studies an optimal insurance and reinsurance design problem among three agents: policyholder, insurer, and reinsurer. We assume that the preferences of the parties are given by distortion risk measures, which are equivalent to dual utilities.

  5. Abstract. The operation of unmanned/autonomous merchant ships in the shipping industry will be evolutionary, but every new development unavoidably brings along with it new risks.

  6. 本處的服務. 中醫服務之一般資訊. 香港理工大學大學醫療保健處現提供中醫服務予本校全日制學生,全職教職員,其直系親屬及退休職員。 診所提供全科、針灸、拔罐及骨傷服務,並提供中藥材配方,包括中藥顆粒沖劑、中藥乾劑及代煎藥服務。 駐診中醫師. 診所位置. 中醫診所位於香港理工大學鍾士元樓A125室. 辦公時間. 預約方法. 網上預約: https://uhsappt.polyu.edu.hk. 電話預約: 2766 5553 (辦公時間內) *如需預約針灸、骨傷及拔罐服務敬請致電 2766 5553. 相關網頁. 衛生署中醫藥事務部, 健康資訊. 浸大中醫學院,專科問答. 浸大中醫學院, 醫言有益. 香港理工大學大學醫療保健處現提供中醫服務予本校全日制學生,全職教職員,其直系親屬及退休職員。

  7. The Institute of Advanced Executive Education of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU-IAEE), is supported by a professional team who has 20+ years of experience in running the core and non-core CPD/CPT training for the insurance and financial practitioners required by the Insurance Authority (IA), the Securities and Futures Commission (SF...

  8. The Library actively supports the University’s mission by providing integrated and timely access to high quality scholarly resources, an inspiring environment for intellectual growth and discovery, with responsive and outreaching services delivered by knowledgeable and innovative staff. It commits to empower the University community with deep ...

  9. PolyU full time students and staff are eligible for our services. One-month service grace period will be given to students upon confirmation of their eligibility for graduation. We use Cookies to give you a better experience on our website. By continuing to browse the ...

  10. NEWS. Superannuation Fund (Part A) - Financial Position and Adjustment Factor (actual Apr 2024) 29 May 2024. Our Mission is to provide leadership and operational oversight in financial planning and resources utilization in the University to achieve its mission, strategic focuses and operational objectives.

  11. Optometry Clinic. The Optometry Clinic at PolyU. Regarded as the leading optometry teaching clinic in Asia, the clinic includes a children clinic, an advanced contact lens clinic, a myopia prevention and control centre and a vision rehabilitation clinic for people with low vision.

  12. 職業治療. 兒童發展服務. 兒童肌肉能力發展評估及訓練. 感覺統合治療. 書寫能力評估及學校或考試調適建議. 寫前及寫字能力訓練. 視覺感知訓練. 專注力訓練. 情緒控制及社交技巧訓練.

  13. 如何預約? 應診者可透過網上預約系統 ( https://ocwb.polyu.edu.hk/ )預約 (1) 註冊視光師及 (2) 實習眼科視光師之「綜合眼科視光檢查」。 其他服務 (如隱形眼鏡護理、角膜矯形鏡服務、視覺訓練、跟進檢查等)均不可在此網上系統預約。 請預備以下應診者資料與我們的客戶服務主任聯絡。 中、英文姓名. 聯絡電話. 年齡. 覆診號碼(如有) 聯絡方法: 歡迎致電 (852) 2766 5225 或 按此 與我們聯絡 。 遲到安排: 閣下務必按預約時間到達本診所登記,如逾時本診所有權重新安排閣下之驗眼服務。 診所位置. 香港九龍紅磡 香港理工大學眼科視光學診所A034室 (近理大暢運道噴水池廣場出入口)

  14. 康復治療診所是香港理工大學康復治療科學系的主要服務單位。 診所於1993年成立。 本診所提供的職業治療和物理治療,結合中西薈萃的醫療科技和認知,以求為每一位求診者設計一套有功效及個人化的治療方案。 本診所一直為理工大學職員及其家屬、本大學學生和普羅大眾提供康復治療服務。 除了康復治療服務外,診所亦支持本學系的教學及科研。 康復治療科學系學生在診所裡進行臨床實習,從中吸取寶貴的工作經驗。 關於我們.

  15. We use Cookies to give you a better experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site without changing your privacy settings, you are consenting to our use ...

  16. The two… 30 May 2024. 理大×星島「ESG認證計劃暨嘉許禮2024」即日起接受報名. 理大會計及金融學院可持續經濟與創業金融中心 (簡稱CESEF) 與星島新聞集團攜手合辦 「ESG認證計劃暨嘉許禮2024」… 24 May 2024. PolyU Business School’s Accounting Research ranks 39th among UTD Top 100 World Rankings of Business Schools Based on Research Contribution 2019-2023.

  17. 理大眼科視光學診所. 香港理工大學眼科視光學診所被譽為亞洲設備最完善的眼科視光診所,診所設有兒童診所、先進隱形眼鏡診所、近視防控中心和專為弱視人士而設的視力康復診所,為高年級本科生提供臨床培訓機會,並支援臨床視覺及眼科研究,同時為香港和中國內地的眼科視光行業提供指引,以提升專業水平。 診所亦為香港市民提供眼睛護理服務。 服務預約. 查詢. 香港理工大學眼科視光學診. 網上參觀理大眼科視光學診所! 理大眼科視光學診所虛擬導覽.

  18. 1. 活動. 「運動物理治療師的機遇、回報與挑戰」研討會 暨 合作備忘錄簽署儀式. 2024年3月1日. 研究及知識轉移 學生及校友 RS活動焦點. 周嘉鴻博士及王敬鈞博士的神經科學研究榮獲研資局博士後獎學金. 彭耀宗教授獲委任信興教育及慈善基金康復科學教授. 黃美貞博士獲選為2023年精英評審員. 許鈞量博士獲委任郭氏集團老齡化及神經影像學青年學者. 康復治療科學系學者獲香港警察學院委任為名譽研究學人. 周嘉鴻博士大腦研究項目榮獲研究資助. 理大康復治療科學系與蒙古國立醫科大學簽署合作諒解備忘錄. 本系5位學者躋身全球首2%科學家之列. 理大康復治療科學系與諾丁漢大學HELM團隊簽署合作協議. 衷心祝賀彭教授榮獲世界物理治療國際服務研究獎.

  19. Programme Aims. The full-time, day-time Master of Finance - Investment Management (FT MoF-MIM) programme aims to provide degree graduates who would like to specialise in investment management, particularly those with no or little work experience, with a combination of solid finance concepts and up-to-date industry know-how. On completion of the ...

  20. PolyU collaborates with Axis Therapeutics to establish joint laboratory for immunotherapy. PolyU is a leading university and one of the best global universities in HK with world-class research in multiple disciplines making bold advances to break new ground.

  21. Quotation of insurance other than the University’s Master Clinical Trial Insurance. Rebecca Choy (FO) Assistant Purchasing Manager. 3400 2385. rebecca.choy@polyu.edu.hk. Contact person and enquiry.

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