雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月31日 · A request was made for the Royal Society to assemble an expedition to go and investigate. President of the Royal Society, London, to the Admiralty, 20th November, 1817, Minutes of Council, Volume 8. pp.149-153, Royal Society, London. 20th November, 1817

  2. 2024年1月6日 · In this interview, you will hear the efforts of Jeffrey Epstein’s brother to get answers. During this interview, he was told that the doors were open. This is the hole. They throw you in there to cut off your communicates. When they went after my lawyers, suddenly, I was ...

  3. 2024年8月5日 · 610–641) achieved royal power for themselves. Nobody will accept this election in the United States, and our computer warns that this may be the LAST election ever . We are looking at violence in Venezuela, France, and now even in the United Kingdom .

  4. Neither Paterson’s revised proposal nor the Bank’s Royal Charter (illustrated above) makes any mention of paper currency. However, within hours of the Charter being sealed, Paterson and his board of directors met for the first time on Friday afternoon, July 27th, 1694.

  5. Pubius Licinius Valerianus was a man from a respected Roman family, Valerian had held various offices in the government during the reign of Trajan Decius (249-251AD).At the time of the revolt of Aemilian (252-253AD) against the emperor Trebonianus Gallus (251-253AD), Valerian was summoned to bring his army drawn from garrisons stationed on the Rhine.

  6. 2024年3月29日 · Spread the love With the bridge debacle, the name Francis Scott Key has been a topic of controversy. Francis Scott Key was an American poet, author, and lawyer from Frederick, Maryland. He witnessed the British bomb Fort McHenry in 1814, inspiring him to write numerous works of art, the most popular of which is the […]

  7. HAMMURABI’S CODE OF LAWS (circa 1780 B.C.) Translated by L. W. King When Anu the Sublime, King of the Anunaki, and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth, who decreed the fate of the land, assigned to Marduk, the over-ruling son of Ea, God of righteousness ...

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