雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Building on our insights from last year, HSBC Premier has conducted a survey in Hong Kong to examine the market landscape further. The HSBC Premier 2023 Affluent Survey delves deeper into the evolving financial goals and landscapes of Hong Kong’s affluents. Influenced by a blend of various factors, both global and local, the affluent has adopted new trends in wealth management.

  2. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › ins › enLIFE Talk - HSBC

    Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her story? Let’s talk to Mrs Cheung about her recipe for success online and in life.

  3. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › international › zh-hk了解香港文化 | HSBC

    了解香港文化. 香港是世界上最具活力的城市之一,也是文化大熔爐。. 無論您是初次港,還是已港多次而定居,這裡都有無窮無盡的獨特體驗,讓您不停探索。. 食家請注意!. 想到香港人氣食府品嘗,有什麼建議嗎?. 如果身上沒有現金,我還能夠在香港 ...

  4. To get fresh insights into the thoughts and needs of the middle class on sending children to study abroad, HSBC Premier has conducted an online survey in 2024 with over 900 parents aged 24 to 64 who possess HKD1 million or above of liquid assets with children aged 6 to 22. The survey revealed that the rate of respondents who plan to get their children started for global education during the ...

  5. 本地人很享受香港的2小時生活圈。無論您喜歡戶外活動,還是享受留在室內的悠閒,您想要的娛樂消閒,統統近在咫尺。 戶外愛好者會向高難度挑戰,走到龍脊或南丫島遠足;愛踏單車的人,可到大圍、沙田及大埔風景如畫的單車徑;如果喜歡陽光與海灘,淺水灣、石澳會是您們的打卡景點。

  6. 透過HSBC HK App 5分鐘極速開立滙豐One戶口 5 ,贏取滙豐One x T1《League of One》party獨家門票,兼賞你價值高達港幣4,588元開戶獎賞 2. 登記參加抽獎. 由於非常反應熱烈,為答謝大家熱烈支持,. 抽獎名額將加推 3倍 ,共 1,200名 得獎者!.

  7. 一顆米粒看似微小,但積聚後便能成就每次豐收。滙豐銀行慈善基金貫徹用行動連繫社區的宗旨,以「米」為起點推出SOULFULL行動,聯同惜食堂召集全城溫暖聲音,讓每顆米粒添多一份暖意。我們會將大眾的暖心話語連同愛心飯盒派送給長者,以聲音傳遞溫暖,以食物帶來溫飽。