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  1. 2020年6月22日 · Technology Smartphones Stay Home. The Japanese government on Friday launched an app that notifies users when they may have come into contact with someone infected with COVID-19. The smartphone app called COCOA records contact when someone else with the app installed stays within a distance of one meter (about 3.3 feet) for 15 minutes or more.

  2. 2023年6月19日 · In Part 1 of this series, we look at useful concepts that underlie space-efficient Japanese home design. These are not intended to give your home a “Japanese” style, though many of the concepts are rooted in tradition. Instead, these concepts are meant to stimulate your thinking about how to make the most of your own living space.

  3. 就算是有過橋恐懼症的人也無法抵抗的沖繩三座大橋,眾所皆知沖繩的美麗海景總是令人嘆為觀止。湛藍的天空、一覽無遺的廣大海洋,加上絕美沙灘,只為美景漫無目的的漂流不正是旅途中最高的享受嗎?這次讓我們用自駕遊走遍,連接宮古島對外的池間島、來間島、伊良部島的三座大橋,同時 ...

  4. 2016年2月4日 · Japan’s ancient calendar, which is divided into 24 seasons and 72 microseasons, is now available as a free app called 72 Seasons. It syncs with the old 72-season calendar and updates about every five days, pinging you (if you allow it) with every new microseason as you enter it. And not only does it give you the microseason but a whole bunch ...

  5. 2017年10月16日 · The Secrets of the Lawson Copy Machine. Lawson Station Updated October 16, 2017. Convenience Stores Services PR Lawson Life in Japan FAQ. Sure, you can make copies on a copy machine. But Lawson copy machines also let you fax, scan to a USB memory disk, print PDFs, print photos on proper photo paper, and even send your print information through ...

  6. 2016年2月8日 · Masahiro Higashide will play Tsukuru Mishima, the central character in Death Note 2016. Mishima is an agent in the Death Note Task Force and is practically obsessed with Death Notes and the series of Kira killings committed by Light ten years ago. Sosuke Ikematsu plays Ryuzaki, the international detective who tries to track down the Death Notes ...

  7. 2018年8月8日 · 对许多游客而言,松本其实是一个相当陌生的地方。毕竟这个城市的交通并没有非常方便,因为没有新干线能直达这里。但如果从东京前往松本,最快的方式就是从新宿搭乘2.5小时的特急列车抵达,在还没有来松本前,一直在思考有什么理由需要来这,但经过这次来访后,我却开始期待着下次再与 ...

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