雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Park is a public park next to Cotton Tree Drive in Central, Hong Kong. Built at a cost of HK$ 398 million and opened on 23 May 1991, it covers an area of 80,000 square metres (860,000 sq ft) and is an example of modern design and facilities blending with natural landscape.

  2. 香港科技園公司舊標誌(2001年至2015年1月) 香港科技園公司總部位於香港科學園5E大樓 香港科技園公司(簡稱科技園公司;英語: Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation,縮寫:HKSTP)是香港特別行政區政府設立的法定機構,於2001年5月7日起運作,取代了此前的香港工業邨公司、香港工業科技中心 ...

  3. 香港科學園( Hong Kong Science Park )係香港嘅科學園,開來商用科學、高科技研究發展用。佢喺新界白石角,響沙田同大埔之間。佢靠近香港中文大學,大埔海側邊,隔海對住馬鞍山。香港科學園由香港科技園公司管理。

  4. Science Park (Chinese: 科學園站) or Pak Shek Kok (Chinese: 白石角站) is a proposed MTR station which may be built in Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong. The station would be on the East Rail line between University and Tai Po Market stations, serving the Hong Kong Science Park.[1] The station was first proposed as part of the ...

  5. Hong Kong and Beyond Why Hong Kong Our Commitment To I&T Development Greater Bay Area Hong Kong Science Park Shenzhen Branch EN 繁體中文 简体中文 English Search DIRECTORY Warning against Fraudulence > SEARCH ...

  6. Phase 3, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong, China Careers at SGS Verify SGS Documents Contact Directory Subscribe Location: Hong Kong, China • English Change Location Terms and Conditions Terms of Access (2024) ...