雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年3月12日 · In a move to make the process of changing, extending, and/or renewing a visa status, the Japanese government has announced that from April 2021, foreign residents will be able to complete these processes online through a computer or a smartphone. To be eligible, foreign residents must have a valid residence card ( zairyu card - 在留カード ...

  2. 2017年7月28日 · What is Tanabata? When it comes to summer traditions in Japan, summer festivals loom large, and chief among them is Tanabata. Also known as the Star Festival, Tanabata is traditionally held on the seventh day of the seventh month of the old lunar calendar, celebrating the legend of the one day of the year when the deities Hikoboshi (identified ...

  3. 在藏王,你可以享受擁有1900年曆史的經典溫泉;'可以觀賞到別處未曾見過的,被稱為Ice Monster的樹冰絕景; 還 可以在當地租賃或帶上你的滑雪裝備,任自己在被大雪掩蓋的深山中盡情玩耍。這樣的藏王,一定值得你一來再來。

  4. 2017年12月7日 · 8. Sogenji Temple (Tokyo) If you’re familiar with Japanese mythology and folklore, you surely know about the kappa. According to the Shintoist tradition, they're part of the water deity family, mischievous creatures who inhabit ponds and rivers and are generally prone to pranks. Kappa are the size of a child, and have a humanoid appearance ...

  5. 交通方式:東急世田谷線三軒茶屋站行步約1分鐘. 營業時間:9:00~20:00. 官方網站: mamehico.com. 宮之坂站到著!. 步入招財貓發祥地「豪德寺」. 準時搭上貓咪列車後,在「宮之坂」站先下一趟車,徒步數分鐘,去尋找可愛的招財貓集結地「豪德寺」。. 豪德寺是 ...

  6. 2021年1月15日 · On January 7, 2021, the Sega Shinjuku Kabukicho arcade in downtown Tokyo officially received a certificate saying they broke the Guinness World Record for having the most crane games, also lovingly referred to as UFO catchers in Japan, in a single establishment. The Sega Shinjuku Kabukicho arcade originally opened in July of 2017, and at the ...

  7. 2017年4月27日 · The following 11 options each offer something that can only be experienced around Golden Week! 11. Koinobori Carp Streamer Village Festival (Gunma) Carp streamers (koinobori) are traditionally hung outside homes and schools in anticipation of Children's Day on May 5, the last day of Golden Week. The carp represent the members of the family ...

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