雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 自北陸新幹線開通之後,從東京前往金澤也變得近在咫尺。而在金澤之旅即將畫下句點時,當然不能忘了購買當地的人氣伴手禮。這次為了讓大家可以節省時間好多逛逛金澤,特別嚴選出4款在金澤車站就能購買的伴手禮,下次來到金澤時千萬別忘了將它們帶回去分享給親朋好友哦。

  2. 2014年12月5日 · The main building, or honkan, at Sekizenkan was built in 1691, making this the oldest existing onsen hotel in Japan. There are actually three hotel buildings of varying ages making up Sekizenkan, with the honkan connected to the secondary Sanso Building (built 1936) via an eerie tunnel that inspired the connection between the human and spirit worlds in Spirited Away.

  3. 2019年11月26日 · LuluAttack EX. LuluAttack EX, made by Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare, is designed to treat sore throat, fever, runny nose, coughing and congestion. As this is one of the most popular cold and flu treatments, it's available at almost all drugstores in Japan, and very easy to come by! 1. Esutakku Eve Fine.

  4. 전통의 도시 교토에서 사야하는 교토의 명물 스위츠 4가지! 교토는 수많은 절과 오래된 역사로 유명합니다. 또한, 교토의 오래된 거리에는 유명한 간식이 즐비한 것으로도 유명하지요. 교토에서밖에 맛볼 수 없는 것 간식도 많지요. 그 많고 많은 간식중에 저희가 ...

  5. www.facebook.com. 還記得搭機抵達沖繩那霸機場後,總想要飛身前往豬肉蛋飯糰的店家嗎?. 每次大排長龍的隊伍,就是其美味的最佳證明,不過每每總要耗費諸多排隊時間,其實沖繩還有許多特色早餐選項,若不想耗費時間排隊的話,不如到鄰近國際通上品嘗沖繩 ...

  6. 2017年12月5日 · 餐廳 蕎麥麵 鍋物 鰻魚 烏龍麵 大阪 關西地區. urx.blue. 寒冷的冬天就是要來碗熱呼呼的鍋物、拉麵或是烏龍麵暖暖身心!. 今天小編要來與大家分享大阪10間美味的暖胃料理,有好幾間餐廳更是日本知名美食評論網站『Tabelog』所評選過的大阪美食推薦,跟著在地 ...

  7. 不拘一格的日本壽司你吃過了嗎?. | All About Japan. 絕不是惡搞!. 不拘一格的日本壽司你吃過了嗎?. 說起壽司,大多數人腦海中浮現的應該就是醋飯、魚貝類等海鮮以及醬油吧!. 其實壽司的世界是發揮創意的大舞台。. 傳統的日本壽司從基本款到軍艦捲或壽司 ...