雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月7日 · We also tour the school kitchen, where five staff prepare 720 meals from scratch, using potatoes the grade 6 students raised in the school farm. Lunch today consists of fried fish with pear sauce, vegetable soup and mashed potatoes. While this school prepares all of its own lunches, in some areas larger schools will act as suppliers and ...

  2. 2016年4月22日 · The Ainu are the indigenous inhabitants of Japan’s northern-most island of Hokkaido. The Ainu also populated the Kuril and Sakhalin islands. Hokkaido, called Ezo until 1869, was acquired by Japan during the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603–1868) purposed to be a buffer for protection from Russia. But it wasn’t until 1947 that Hokkaido was awarded ...

  3. 2023年10月13 日 流行文化 【深度日本】適合各種用途的住宿空間?日本膠囊旅館的前世今生(含東京膠囊飯店推薦 ... 在室內外,在遮雨棚下搭建的空間,僅以用啤酒箱當桌椅的半路邊攤餐飲型態,像極台灣熱店的令人倍覺親切。

  4. 2019年3月18日 · There are two main stations in central Nara: JR Nara and Kintetsu Nara. Direct trains run from Kyoto Station to both, and each trip takes around 30 to 55 minutes, one-way, and costs between ¥710 to ¥1,200. From Osaka-Namba Station you can get directly to Kintetsu Nara in about 40 minutes. A one-way trip costs ¥560.

  5. 2020年7月16日 · 在日本47个都道府县中也有一个自称水果王国的地方——江户时代因盛产水果而为人所知的山梨县,因年降雨量少与温差大的气候,使得栽种在这裡的水果甜美又多汁,包含葡萄、梨子、水蜜桃、柿子、栗子、苹果、石榴以及核桃等八种水果,便有「甲斐八珍果」的美誉。

  6. 一升飯重約2.5公斤,是一般飯的八倍大,價格是5,840日幣;巨大餃子同樣重約2.5公斤,是一般餃子100個的集大成,價格為9,600日幣。. 這價格雖看似昂貴,但是只要在一小時的挑戰時間內完食,店家就會返還所有的費用,同時還會獲得中國酒與挑戰證書等小 ...

  7. 2017年1月1日 · The main building, or honkan, at Sekizenkan was built in 1691, making this the oldest existing onsen hotel in Japan. There are actually three hotel buildings of varying ages making up Sekizenkan, with the honkan connected to the secondary Sanso Building (built 1936) via an eerie tunnel that inspired the connection between the human and spirit worlds in Spirited Away.

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